Topic = Educate or Train Leaders?
This essay will be US ARMY related. Specific and directly related with Non-commissioned officers (NCO)
How we (ARMY) educate or train future leaders. 

You are to write an expository/informative essay on the topic selected per the sign-up sheet. This paper must contain a strong, supported purpose statement in a clear and concise manner; using correct grammar, sentence structure, and word usage. Provide a clear purpose statement. Provide a coherent transition from one topic to the next using this rubric as a general guideline. 
Your essay will be in:
-Minimum 750 to 1250 words in length
-Font is Arial 12pt
-Provide a strong purpose statement
-Use standard margins: One inch from the left, right, and bottom edges. Do not justify right margins 
-Use double spacing 
-Utilize a graphic organizer 
-Employ the Army Writing Style and standard written English
-Use the essay format 
-Use “second set of eyes”

Please see attached file for more information and grading rubric.

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