You must provide a complete explanation of how you got your answers

  1. Brookfield Properties leases 1.5 million square feet of space to 172 retailers of the Parks Mall in south Arlington.
    1. Would you expect the rental rate per square foot to be the same near the food court and atrium as near mall exits?
    1. During the pandemic demand for in-person shopping fell 25%. Would you expect retailing losses to be concentrated among retailers or their landlords?
    1. Would you expect stores to carry the same level of in-store inventories of merchandise during the pandemic?
  2. Consider a fourth down punting situation in football. The offense can kick the ball away or fake a punt. The defense can setup for a return or can guard against a fake. The payoffs are the likelihood of winning the game as a result and are:
OffensePunt0.8, 0.20.9, 0.1
Fake0.2, 0.80.1, 0.9
  1. Let p be the probability the offense chooses to punt, and r be the probability the defense chooses to setup for a return. What are the best responses of the teams?
    1. What is the Nash Equilibrium of this fourth down game?
    1. Suppose it is late in the game and the offense is trailing. The payoffs to punting are now (0.4, 0.6) if the defense returns and (0.6, 0.4) if it guards. How does the change in payoffs affect strategies?
  2. Fishing fleets send out boats to catch fish and sell them at market. But if there are more boats, b, each boat has a smaller haul. Suppose the value of a boat’s catch is V = 180 – b. There are no costs marginal costs to sending more boats.
  1. If there is only one fleet operator, how many boats will he choose? What are profits?
  2. If there are two fleet operators, what is the profit function for each operator?
  3. What is the FOC for each operator?
  4. What is the best response function for each operator?
  5. At the Nash equilibrium of the game, how many boats are chosen and what are industry profits?
  6. If there are three operators, how many boats are chosen and what are industry profits?
  • Suppose you are in sales and your utility function is U(I) = I1/2.
  1. If you meet your sales goal for the month, you earn $4,900 and $3,600 if not. What is your expected utility if you reach your sales goal 50% of the time?
  2. Suppose the sales goal was lowered so that you meet it 60% of the time. Now, what is your expected utility?
  3. Instead of lowering the goal, suppose the compensation from meeting the goal was increased by $250. Would you prefer the lower goal or the higher payment?
  4. Instead of lowering the goal, suppose the compensation from failing to meet the goal was increased by $250. Would you prefer the lower goal or the higher payment?
  5. The used cars vary in their quality. There are 101 sellers each with a car that they value at $1,000, $1,010, $1,020, … $2,000. Sellers know the quality exactly, but buyers only know the distribution. If buyers did know the quality, they would value each car by $300 more than sellers value the car.
    1. At a price of, say, $1,400, how much would buyers value the average car offered for sale? Would buyers be willing to pay $1,400?
    1. At a price of, say, $1,800, how much would buyers value the average car offered for sale? Would buyers be willing to pay $1,800?
    1. At what price is the buyer’s expected value just equal to the price?
    1. What fraction of the available gains from trade are realized?
    1. Suppose a used car dealer can perfectly determine a car’s value and offers a money back guarantee to buyers. However, this used car dealer intermediation costs $100 per car. Now would a car worth $2,000 to the seller get sold?
    1. Would the seller who values her car at, say, $1,400 prefer to sell to the buyer directly or through the used car dealer?

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