Since 1971, Liberty University’s goal has been “Training Champions for Christ” through quality education from a Biblical worldview. For this Discussion, review the Watch: Training Champions for Christ video and review Liberty University’s Mission Statement. Note: A direct link to the webpage can be found inside the Learn section of Module 1: Week 1 entitled, Explore: Liberty University’s Mission Statement. Address the following topics. Do not respond in a list or bullets. Your thread should be in paragraph format (150+ words). 

  • Paragraph 1 – How does the Watch: Training Champions for Christ video help you better understand the mission of Liberty University?
  • Paragraph 2 – Examine Liberty University’s Mission Statement. Does the mission statement align with the educational goals you have established for yourself? Why or why not? Be specific in tying your thoughts to the points of the mission statement for the best results.
  • Paragraph 3 – Liberty University has adopted six foundational skills: (a) communication and information literacy; (b) technological solutions and quantitative reasoning; (c) civic and global engagement; (d) critical thinking; (e) social and scientific inquiry; and (f) Christianity and contexts. Share what you may already know about these skills. How do you think these six foundational skills will help you succeed in school, in your major, in the job market, in social environments, and in life?

Post-First: This course does not utilize the Post-First feature for Discussions. This means you will be able to read and interact with your classmates’ threads before you have submitted your thread in response to the provided prompt.

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