• Choose Your Topic (Chapter 3): 2
  • Start with Heart (Chapter 4): 0
  • Master My Stories (Chapter 5): 0
  • Learn To Look (Chapter 6): 1
  • Make It Safe (Chapter 7): 0
  • STATE My Path (Chapter 8): 1
  • Explore Others’ Paths (Chapter 9): 0
  • Retake Your Pen (Chapter 10): 0
  • Move to Action (Chapter 11): 0
  1. Describe the outcomes of your “What’s Your Style Under Stress?” assessment. Define three concepts covered in the Crucial Conversations video that will help you improve your communication.  How will each of these concepts improve your communication?
  2. What is the difference between bargaining and negotiating? How will applying the three Crucial Conversations concepts from the first answer help you to be a better negotiator?  Why?
  3. 1 Corinthians 10:24 states, “Let no one seek his own, but each one the other’s well-being” (New King James Bible, 1979/1996). How does 1 Corinthians 10:24 relate to how we, as Christians, should communicate in negotiations and when involved in a crucial conversation?

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