Developmental Assessment and Teaching Assignment 
Please use the templet provided for the assignment.
Student is to choose a child between the ages of 2 years and 15 years of age. If at all possible, it should not be the student’s own child. It should be completed in a safe manner, following appropriate Covid Precautions. It can be done over Zoom or FaceTime if necessary. The student should plan on two separate sessions, one for the assessment and the second for the teaching session. 
For Nutrition The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) web site is suggested 
Choose My Plate to Give nutritional values and analyze for nutrition. 
Choose appropriate things for their age. Ex preschooler- associate play
Safety Ex Car sit- the child has a car sit in the car How is the car sit facing?
For problems areas or concerns Ex. Too much calories, teeth problems, dental caries.
Specific teaching for all four areas. Make sure not to provide another assessment provide teaching. 2 paragraph for section total of 8.
Ex. Obesity physical developmental -Use of bicycle, take walks, give the child sticker chart for accomplishments. 
Developmental/Social Development-Toilet training
Safety Teaching-Parental control on computer, phone use, dangerous of video games. For toddler can drown on toilets if not supervise.

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