Case Study
APA 7th format.
Include four peer-reviewed, evidence-based references. No older 2019
Star from scratch, review in Grammarly, and plagiarism
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Describe a patient with a long history of neuropathic pain that has been managed with Neurontin (Gabapentin) for several years.
Explain Neurontin Side effects, Black box warning if it has and how the medication can affect the patient over the time
Patient with restless leg syndrome and taking Ropinirole (Requip)
Two weeks after starting Ropinirole, patient changed in her behavior, including severe agitation, irritability, delusions of grandeur, decreased need for sleep, and racing thoughts.
Explain Ropinirole (Requip) side effects , Black box warning of Ropinirole “If it has” and how the medication can affect the patient over the time. Also explain Ropinirole titration up to increase dose and down to discontinue the medication.
Talk about the Mini-mental status exam, the score, and the importance in the elderly