We often wonder why were are always broke? Or maybe why it is so hard to find time to fit in studying for homework? Or maybe why we are always tired or gain weight when we don’t want to?

By keeping track and analyzing the information involved in the questions above can often give us answers.

In part 1 of the Data Tracking project the students will create a spreadsheet that they will use to collect data over a period of time. Student may track the following:

Spending habits vs. money saved/earned
Time management (breaking the day down in to categories and logging the numbers spent on each)
Physical Activity vs. Calories Burned vs. Food intake
Sleep habits vs. work/school performance
The spreadsheet should meet the following criteria (skills found in Chapters 1 – 3)

At least 4 weeks of data (categorized by week)
Be organized in a professional easy to read fashion
Include advance formatting techniques: including conditional formatting, custom conditional formatting rules
named ranges
logical functions like: COUNTIF/ AVERAGEIF/ or nested IF statements (at least 2 different functions)
Table design features formatting and filtering
Group and Sort data including summary rows
Data validation rules –> add validation rules and add 1 incorrect piece of data –> choose circle invalid data in final spreadsheet
In order to complete all of the above requirements you may need to copy your data onto different sheets.

In part 2 you will analyze your data to answer the following questions.

Why you chose to track the data you did?
What did you learn from the tracking the data?
In part 2 you will also add the following features to demonstrate your understanding of skills learned in (Chapters 4-8)

Include a Pivot table and Chart with Slicers
Use the Scenario Manager pick one(Goal Seek, Scenario Manager, Data Table)
Protect the workbook to ensure complicate formulas are not edited
Create 1 marcro to automate the workbook
Integrate Excel with Word or Power Point to answer the following questions:
Why you chose to track the data you did?
What did you learn from tracking the data?
Are you going to make any lifestyle changes based on what you have learned if so what?

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