Create a human resources staffing plan. As you complete Sections 1–5 below, think about how the plan and its components could be used in your school district. Do not use any identifying information when completing the plan. Cite any sources used to support your plan.

Section 1: Needs Analysis

Complete a needs analysis to show the teaching positions your hypothetical school district needs to fill for the upcoming school year. Justify each hiring request according to relevant staffing criteria. Consider hiring for diversity and the needs of the students. Add more rows if necessary.

Teaching PositionJustification

Select one teaching position from your list to be used as you develop the rest of your staffing plan.


Section 2: Recruiting Plan

Create an HR announcement regarding the vacancy.


Create an internal job posting.


Create an external job posting.


Develop a 2-panel recruiting brochure. The brochure should feature the highlights of your school district, list the positions you are hiring for, and attract potential candidates. Note: Submit the brochure as a separate document.

Detail the pre-screening process you will use and create a list of the criteria you will look for when pre-screening candidates.


Develop a list of at least five pre-screening questions and a rating scale you can use to score the candidates. Add more rows if necessary.

Pre-Screening Questions
Rating Scale

Explain the process you will go through in performing a background check of the pre-screened applicants you wish to progress to the interviews.


Section 3: Interview Process

Create a list of at least 10 interview questions and a rating scale you can use to score the candidates. Add more rows if necessary.

Interview Questions
Rating Scale

List the members of the interview committee. Provide rationale for why each person was selected. Add more rows if necessary.

Interview Committee MemberRationale

Describe the interview location and setup. Detail where the interviews will be held, how the room will be set up, who will greet the candidates, and so forth. Try to prepare an inclusive plan.


Describe how you would conduct a school tour. Detail the plans you have to introduce the candidates to your school and sell them on your school.


Detail the process you will use to conduct reference checks to your top candidates. Create a reference check form. Note: Submit the reference check form as a separate document.


Provide a summary of the interview process. Detail the steps you will take following the interviews to select and recommend a candidate to fill the open teaching position.


Section 4: Final Selection

Explain the process your district will go through to offer the job to a candidate. Write a letter of congratulations to the selected candidate to welcome him or her to your school.


Briefly explain the process your district will use to notify the unsuccessful candidates of your hiring decision. Write a letter of appreciation to all candidates who were interviewed, but not selected.


Section 5: Summary and Submission

Make recommendations to improve the staffing process currently used in your school district.


Submit this completed staffing plan, the recruiting brochure, and your reference check form to the Assignment Files tab.

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