Final Essay – Critical Reflection and Analysis Paper: You must write and submit one 2000-word critical research paper. Please print your essay double-spaced, without gaps between paragraphs, in 12-point font size in a common font style such as Times New Roman. This paper must contain a thesis statement (Links to an external site.), must incorporate secondary researchLinks to an external site. and must be documented in the MLA Style (Links to an external site.) with a complete and correctly formatted Works Cited (Links to an external site.) page.

The Final Essay Prompt

Compare and contrast (Links to an external site.) the representation of intersectionality, natal alienation or necropolitics (ONE of the three ideas) in TWO (2) of the following four graphic narratives with supporting citations to SIX (6) relevant independent peer-reviewed secondary sources of literary and/or cultural criticism:

Keiji Nakazawa, Barefoot Gen, Vol. 1: A Cartoon Story of Hiroshima (1973-4)

Art Spiegelman, The Complete Maus (1996)

Marjane Satrapi, The Complete Persepolis (2000)

Kelly Sue DeConnick, Valentine De Landro, Bitch Planet, Vol. 1: Extraordinary

Machine (2015) and Bitch Planet, Vol. 2: President Bitch (2017).

MAUS pt.1:
MAUS pt. 2:


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