Review recently published (within the past five years) peer-reviewed scholarly articles. 
Discuss a criminal justice, intelligence studies, international relations or security management topic that will later be the research proposal (term project) paper. 
Please remember you are selecting a topic NOT for writing a research paper about, but rather for writing a proposal to do actual hands-on research using scientific research methodology.

Discuss what you have identified in the current peer-reviewed literature on a topic you wish to research. Briefly discuss the literature and express what still needs to be researched or requires further research on the topic you would like to address in your research proposal. In other words, did the authors of the studies already done on this topic you reviewed call for further research on the topic or something to do with the topic? Then again, perhaps you identified a problem that still needs to be researched on the topic where the current literature is lacking. If so, discuss what it is and how it pertains to the topic and why it needs to be researched and who would benefit from the research. 

After doing so, provide a ‘Working Title’ for your Research Proposal.
The working title may change as the Research Proposal develops.

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