
Synthesize the research from your prior course assignments and include formative feedback from your instructor to complete a polished analysis of the selected problem affecting the criminal justice system.

In your assignment, be sure to address the following critical elements, which align with the grading criteria:

Analyze a problem affecting criminal justice from the perspective of ethical practices within political, social, economic, and ideological contexts.
Apply theoretical frameworks to the evaluation of criminal justice leadership and organizational policies and practices.
Evaluate the concepts of diversity and inclusiveness based on best practices for criminal justice organizations.
Explain methods for assessing effectiveness of team functioning.
Propose means of promoting creative solutions to organizational challenges.
Writing Requirements

Your assignment should be at least 10 double-spaced pages (excluding the cover page and references list). Include page numbers, headings, and running header.
Create a title page.
Write an abstract, introduction, and conclusion. Integrate all of the components and assemble them into a coherent and cohesive paper. This includes the use of proper transitions when moving from one section to another.
Include any graphics, tables, or statistical charts in the appendices (optional).
Include at least 8 PEER-reviewed resources formatted following APA guidelines.
Use correct APA style and formatting, paying particular attention to citations and references.
Use Times New Roman, 12-point font.

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