Text Box: Coursework 2: Business Opportunity Report (INDIVIDUAL assessment)

You have to produce a market opportunity report that includes a business model canvas (with supporting notes). You have 2,500 words (± 10%). The word-count excludes appendices. You also need to include a 300-word reflection (in the appendices) on two to three skills you have developed over the course of the module and how you might apply one or more of those skills in future. Whilst we recommend that you use the idea you developed in the team project, you are at liberty to change your idea if you wish to.

In terms of how you structure your report:

  • You must have a title page that contains your name, student number, module title and module code, seminar leader name, word count and date of submission.
  • You will then have a contents page that lists the headings within your report
  • You will have headings and subheadings that indicate what you have written within your report. Please note that you need to include in-text citations right through your report. Please ensure that you label any diagrams and images that you use in your report.
  • Reference list
  • Appendices – this will have your 300-word reflection and any other supporting material that is not in the main body of your report

Your business opportunity report will need to include:

  1. The need you are meeting or the pain you are eliminating
  • The target market you intend to serve
  • A description of your product or service and an explanation as to why it is likely to be successful (make appropriate reference to primary and secondary research undertaken)
  • A Business Model Canvas (in the body of the report)
  • Detailed explanatory notes that accompany your business model canvas
  • A 300-word reflection on two or three skills you have developed & how you might apply one or more of those skills in future.

(Please take the marking criteria into consideration).

The following summarises the marking criteria used to assess CW2 (Individual Business Opportunity Report and Reflection on learning (15%)):

Assessment Criteria  Weight  Items description
Structure and Presentation15%Overall layout and presentation;Level of accuracy of the data presented;Absence of spelling or grammar mistakes;
  Knowledge and Understanding  25%Evidence of further research into the macro and microenvironment post group pitch;Application of relevant theory;Use of insights from primary and secondary data.
      Analysis and Recommendations      35%Quality of explanations;Critical thinking ability;Problem solving ability;Quality of the proposed business model & detailed supporting notes covering each componentAbility to show feasibility of business idea
  Overall Quality  10%Minimum of 10 references using accurate Harvard style. Sources must be cited from academic journals, texts and other credible sources.
Reflection                              on learning over the course       of                   the semester (Appendix)    15%You are required to present a reflection of 300 words about two or three skills you have developed throughout the semester and how you will use those skills going forward

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