Contemporary Native News – Writing Assignment

This writing assignment requires you follow contemporary Native American news and to reflect on your chosen articles. I want you to think about how Native Americans survive in modern day America. Do they have any unique challenges or benefits that result from their being part of an indigenous community. How does their own history and past relationships with the US and/or Canadian governments influence their modern existence and governance. What other social and political issues are facing Native Americans today.

This assignment has two parts. First, you are required to read ten newspaper articles from a Native American news source and write 1-2 paragraphs (minimum 200 words) reflecting on your chosen articles for a total of ten short reflections. Paste a link to the document at the beginning of your corresponding written reflection and compile them in a single document (make sure the link is a permanent link to the story, the easiest way to receive a permalink is to email the story to yourself and paste the link emailed to you at the beginning of your written reflection).

Second, after writing your 10 reflections, write a summary of what you have learned about modern Native Americans that you did not know before (minimum requirements: three, doublespaced, typewritten pages with 1” margins and 12 pt. Font [New Times Roman]). Make sure that you do more than just summarize your weekly reflection pieces. I really want you to think about and discuss contemporary Native America and Native Americans.

You will be graded on the insight and observations you make about each of the articles you read, along with the observations you make in the final three-page summary. Your writing will also be graded for clarity and correct grammar. You are encouraged to demonstrate linkages between what you have learned about Native Americans and other Anthropological concepts discussed in this course.

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