* Connection of the East and West assignment (20 points)

*Recommended portfolio assignment.  Meets course performance objective goals 1, 2, 3 and 4.  Meets HUSV program objectives 1.1, 1.3, 2.1, 2.3, 3.2, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 5.2. Meets FSHV program objectives 1, 3, and 4.

All assignments must follow APA writing rules.  http://www.apastyle.org/   Font Size and Type: 12-pt. Times New Roman or Calibri font; double spaced.  Save as .doc, .docx, or .rtf  submit to d2L drop box.   

Do not use quotes.

Use the table format shown in the assignment instructions. 

The theories we have covered in weeks 1-5 are known as “Western Philosophies” or “Western Psychological Theories”.    Chapter 13, 14, and 15 in your Personality and Personal Growth text introduced you to the concepts of Eastern philosophies.   After reading these chapters, you will see how the Hindu, Buddhist, and Islamic traditions relate to Western theories.

For your assignment, you will find and discuss three examples of Western Theory concepts relating to three of the tenets of Eastern Philosophy.  You will choose 3 Western theorists from the provided list, (see below) and you will use each of the Eastern philosophies (Chapter 13, 14, 15 Personality and Personal Growth). You cannot use a Western theorist or concept more than once, nor can you use a chapter or concept from Eastern philosophy more than once. 

Column one:  Choose 3 Western theorists.  Choose from: Freud, Jung, Adler, Horney, Erikson, Rogers, Maslow, Bandura, Skinner or Beck. You cannot use a theorist or concepts more than once.  You cannot use the examples I have given in the modules.                                                                                                                                                                                                           Column two: Use concepts from Chapter 13: Yoga and the Hindu Tradition, Chapter 14: Zen and the Buddhist Tradition, and Chapter 15: Sufism and the Islamic Tradition.  You cannot use the examples I have given in the modules.                                                                                                                                Column three: Discuss the connection between the concepts you have chosen.

Helpful hints: Look for words that are the same, or are defined the same, in your Western concept and your Eastern concept.  Be clear on your connection in columns one and two.  I should be able to see the connection in these two columns before I read column 3.  Although you are discussing the relationship in column three, I should not need your explanation to see the connection.

Format:  Use the column format provided. (see below)

Column 1: Begin by identifying the theorist. In your own words, explain a concept from one of the Western Theories. Include page numbers from the text that show where you found the information.  

Column 2: Begin by identifying the Eastern Philosophy. In your own words, explain a concept from one of the Eastern Philosophies that relates to the concept you have from the Western theorist.  Include page numbers from the text that show where you found the information.  

Column 3: Discuss the relationship between the two concepts. How are they alike? Before you begin column 3, go to columns 1 and 2 and bold the words in the columns that relate to each other.

* Connection of the East and West assignment (20 points)                                              Use table format

Western Theorist Concept Begin with the name of the theorist, explain the concept, include page numbers from the text. Bold the same/similar words from columns 1 and 2. Eastern Philosophy Begin by identifying the chapter: Yoga and the Hindu Tradition, Zen and the Buddhist Tradition, Sufism and the Islamic Tradition; explain the concept, include page numbers from the text. Bold same/similar concept. Discuss relationship between the concepts
Example:  The words/concepts that are same/similar in columns 1 and 2 are in bold.   1) Abraham Maslow: Hierarchy of Needs Theory/Self-actualization. Maslow’s hierarchy proposes we all have ‘basic needs’ (p. 302) that must be fulfilled before advancing to the highest level which is self-actualization. (p. 303). Self-actualization is a state of being where we experience the world through a new lens. Rather than an experience that is locked into time, it is one of constant movement and shifts. (p. 303) In this on-going experience, our abilities and possibilities are used to the fullest. We go into experiences with less fear and anxiety (p. 303).   We become healthy human beings (p. 303) and lovers of life.                Sufism and the Islamic Tradition: The Self (Nafs) Nafs or Self, is a dynamic, living progression which moves one towards higher states of awareness (p. 388) In order to reach the higher states, one must work through the lower levels of nafs (p. 388).  The highest state of awareness one experiences is piece of mind, no matter what the circumstances. (p. 388)           In each concept one must progress through stages before reaching the highest state of awareness.  The Self in the Islamic tradition, and Self-actualization in Maslow’s theory are both living entities which continually grow and shift. Through Self-actualization and the Islamic tradition’s ‘highest state of awareness’, we experience all that life has to offer with less fear and anxiety, and more peace of mind.    

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