Community & Public Health, Population-based Assignment Instructions: Community Health Assessment (CHA)


In this assignment, you will assess the health of a community, based on data available on the County Health Rankings and Roadmaps and Florida CHARTS websites and create a PowerPoint presentation to share your findings and conclusions. 

Student Learning Outcomes (from Syllabus)

  • Assess the health of a community from community health and public health perspectives
  • Analyze the various cultural, social, political, economic, and ecological issues that impact the health and safety of diverse populations locally and globally.
  • Interpret and use basic epidemiological, demographic, and statistical measures of community health.

Required Reading and Videos


  • This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment. 
    • You will select your county in the first week of the class (see Week 1 module)
  • You will develop and present a report describing the demographics and the distribution and determinants of health and disease, morbidity, injuries, disability, and mortality within the population of the county selected.  The format of this report will be a PowerPoint presentation with narration and/or speaking notes.
  • The County Health Rankings & Roadmaps website and the Florida Department of Health Florida CHARTS website will be the primary sources of the data reported.  Begin with the Explore the Model interactive webpage on the County Health Rankings and Roadmaps website to learn more about the measures and locate the data for your state.  The county data will be found as a ranking on the state data report for each measure.  You may wish to take a “deeper dive” into your county’s data by entering your county name into the Explore Health Rankings search field. 
  • The assignment will be submitted in two parts (more detailed outline below):
    • Part 1: Demographics and Health Outcomes (Descriptive epidemiology-no more than 20 slides, due at end of Week 2)
      • Community description
      • Demographic measures
      • Health Outcomes
      • Primary Health Concern
    • Part 2: Determinants of Health (Analytic Epidemiology—no more than 10 slides,  due at end of Week 3)
      • Web of Causation
      • Health Factor Data
  • The presentations will include speaking notes, voice narration, or video recording and will include on-side citations and a reference list at the end of the presentation.
  • The Community Health Assessment will also serve as the basis for the Week 2 Scholarly Discussion. You will share your Part 1 presentation with your peers as an attachment to the discussion.
  • The Grading Rubrics for the Community Health Assessment Part 1 and Part 2 assignments are in separate document in this module.

Outline:  Part 1 Demographics and Health Outcomes

(Note: watch the Community Health Assessment Part 1 video in Canvas for instructions and to view a Sample Presentation)

  1. Community Description (20%)
    1. Describe the geographical location of the county, the type of setting (urban, rural, suburban), economics, attractions, and history.
  2. Demographic Measures (20%)
    1. Describe the population in terms of age, gender, race, and ethnicity.
  3. Health Outcomes (40%)
    1. Length of Life: “Measuring how long people in the community live tells us whether people of dying too early and prompts us to look at what’s driving premature deaths” (Community Commons, n.d., “Length of Life”).
      1. Measures:  premature deaths (Years of Potential Life Lost); life expectancy; premature age-adjusted mortality; child mortality; and infant mortality. Identify the (three) leading causes of death for the population. Include data that describes the COVID-19 pandemic experience of the county population, including the number (and rate) of cases, deaths, and vaccinations.
      1. Define each measure; accurately describe data and statistical measure (i.e., “percent” or “rate” per 100,000 or other denominator).
      1. Identify and describe disparities of these measures noted within population based on geographical region within the county, and/or based on race or ethnicity for length of life measures.
    1. Quality of Life: “Refers to how healthy people feel while alive.  It represents well-being of a community, and underscores the importance of physical, mental, social, and emotional health from birth (through) adulthood” (County Health Rankings and Roadmaps, 2020, “Quality of Life”).
      1. Measures: health-related quality of life ratings (overall health; physical and mental health); birth outcomes (low birth weight, prematurity); and prevalence of chronic disease (including but not limited to COVID-19, diabetes, and HIV). 
      1. Define each measure; accurately describe data and statistical measure (i.e., “percent” or “rate”—per 100,000 or other denominator).
      1. Identify and describe disparities of these measures noted within the population based on geographical region within the county, and/or based on race or ethnicity for quality-of-life measures.
  4. Primary Health Concern (10%)
    1. Based on the data collected, identify ONE health concern in the population—one in which the most people are affected and/or you found the most significant disparities between population groups within the population and/or disparities between the county and the state or national data.  Explain what this indicates about the overall health status of the county.  Describe your process in identifying the primary health concern. 
  • Scholarly Work and Format (10%)
    • Organized presentation with narration or speaking notes that demonstrate understanding of the data; sources are accurately acknowledged using APA format. 

Outline: Part 2 Determinants of Health

(Note: watch the Community Health Assessment Part 2 video in Canvas for instructions and to view a Sample Presentation)

  1. Web of Causation (40%)
    1. The Web of Causation is one approach to analyze “all the possible influences on the health and illness processes” (Anderson & McFarlane, 2-19, p. 54).  This epidemiological model will guide your exploration of the complex factors that contribute to the identified health concern.
    1. In a diagram or outline, list as many possible factors that influence the primary health concern identified in Part 1 of your Community Health Assessment.  List at least three factors in EACH of four categories:
      1. Health Behaviors
      1. Clinical Care
      1. Social and Economic Factors
      1. Physical Environment
  2. Health Factors (50%)
    1. Next, locate the measures and report the data that reflects each of the Health Factor categories you listed in #1b above. Find the data on the County Health Rankings and Roadmaps website. Review the data under each category, including the “Additional” data by clicking on the “+” next to the data category. You may also find data on the and/or the Florida CHARTS website.
    1. Define each measure; accurately describe data and statistical measure (i.e., “percent” or “rate” per 100,000 or other denominator); identify disparities within population based on race, ethnicity.
  • Scholarly Work and Format (10%)
    • Organized presentation with narration or speaking notes that demonstrate understanding of the data; sources are accurately acknowledged using APA format. 


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