Topic 6

Chinese and Japanese Popular Religions

Complete the following prompts by analyzing key issues in Chinese and Japanese popular religions. A minimum of five academic resources is required, one of which must be the course textbook. Use at least one resource per question.

  1. Briefly summarize five key features of syncretistic (mixed together) Chinese popular religion (shamanism/ancestor worship, Chinese idolatry, Confucianism, Daoism, Mahayana Buddhism). (75-100 words total)
  • Key Feature #1:
  • Key Feature #2:
  • Key Feature #3:
  • Key Feature #4:
  • Key Feature #5:
  •  <Academic Resource(s) Used>
  • Briefly summarize three key features of syncretistic (mixed together) Japanese popular religion (Shintoism, Japanese Buddhism, and Confucianism). (75-100 words total)
  • Key Feature #1:
  • Key Feature #2:
  • Key Feature #3:
  • <Academic Resource(s) Used>
  • Describe key religious practices (e.g., arranging a marriage, funerals, etc.) that an individual follower of Chinese popular religion might do in their daily life or alternatively in a lifetime. Describe practices from at least three of the five religions. (75-100 words)


  • Describe key religious practices (e.g., emperor’s birthday, birth of a baby, etc.) that an individual follower of Japanese popular religion might do in their daily life or alternatively in a lifetime. Describe practices from at least three of the five religions. (75-100 words)


  • Describe the interaction that a Christian might have with a follower of Chinese or Japanese syncretistic popular religions in a respectful, constructive manner while maintaining clarity and faithfulness to the core Christian message of creation-fall-redemption and restoration through Christ alone.  Take into account Chinese or Japanese shamanism, ancestor fear, and fear of the spirit world. (200-250 words)


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