Essay Content

Topic Selection

  • Avoid using the CDC as the subject of the evaluation
  • Avoid using an online article, as it is not a website
  • The following is a suggested list of website options (only choose one):
    • CHADD
    • NIMH
    • ADDA
    • APA
    • Mayo Clinic


  • Begins with an effective hook
  • Overview of topic/website
    • Provides an introduction of the website
    • Communicates the importance of a review and the concept of credibility
    • Remains focused on website and criteria rather than ADHD
    • Includes a smooth transition to thesis statement
  • Thesis statement
    • Makes an evaluative claim regarding the website’s credibility
    • Focuses on and presents three of the five evaluation criteria (accuracy, authority, objectivity, currency, coverage)

Body Paragraphs

Content and Ideas

Each body paragraph . . .

·        addresses, defines, and develops each of the chosen criterion

  • provides evidence from the website to demonstrate how it fulfills each criterion, thereby establishing credibility
  • contains research-based, cited information from scholarly sources
  • contains at least one example from the website for each criterion
  • includes sources reflective of an investigation of criteria, not ADHD
  • includes correctly cited direct quotes and paraphrasing
  • utilizes resources reflective of the criteria and website evaluation rather than ADHD


  • Present the criteria in the same order as they appear in the thesis statement
  • Construct one body paragraph for each criterion (3 criteria/3 body paragraphs)
  • Construct strong topic sentences, which include a transitional word/phrase, make reference to the main claim of credibility in the thesis, and present the specific criterion addressed in the paragraph


  • The first sentence restates the thesis statement, conveying the main idea in the thesis with fresh wording
  • The conclusion effectively summarizes the content of the essay
  • The conclusion effectively brings closure to each of the main points
  • No new information is presented in the conclusion
  • The essay ends with an impactful statement regarding the credibility of the website and its usefulness for research


  • The essay meets word count (750-1,000)
  • The essay aligns with the APA 7th Edition Format
  • The title page is spaced and formatted according to APA 7th Edition standards
  • The essay does not include an abstract and/or a subheading above each paragraph
  • A boldfaced title appears above the first paragraph
  • The in-text citations are correctly formatted
  • The references page is correctly formatted and placed on a separate page
  • There is consistency and coordination between the in-text citations and the references page
  • Times New Roman font (size 12) is consistently used throughout the essay
  • Double spacing, 1” margins, 0.5” paragraph indentations, and left alignment are consistently used


  • The writer uses a variety of sentence structures
  • The writer establishes and maintains a formal, academic tone
  • The essay is written in third person (avoid first and second person pronouns)
  • The essay is void of slang, jargon, contractions, and wordiness
  • The essay avoids narration or giving instructions to the reader

Grammar, Usage, and Mechanics

  • Tools such as Word Grammar Check, LopesWrite, and/or have been employed to identify errors in spelling, grammar, usage, and mechanics
  • The essay is free of errors in
    • Sentence structure
    • Punctuation
    • Spelling
    • Capitalization
    • The use of acronyms
    • Agreement
    • Use of articles

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