Direction for Assignment


This assignment will cover a hypothetical scenario and prompt question that will check your understanding of the relevant legal parameters, on how to protect yourself and your school district against liability, and probe whether your actions as a school leader/administrator for each hypothetical situation fulfill the legal requirements.

Your response to each section should have a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 750 words. Failure to comply will result in point deductions. You must follow an APA format when citing John Dayton’s book and other references. (YOU CANNOT QUOTE THE SOURCES  VERBATIM IT HAS TO BE IN YOUR OWN WORDS). Questions are highlighted in turquoise

Please submit a single-spaced document written in 12-point font, Times New Roman.

Chapter 6 Question: Due Process of Law (Part 1)

Answer the following questions. Minimum 500 words and maximum 750 words.

First, evaluate whether the Fourteenth Amendment due process interests were violated in each scenario, if at all. Second, you must explain/justify your reasoning.

Third, identify a landmark court decision to help guide your reasoning.

Fourth, provide a brief description of a corrective action that school officials can take to ensure that there is a proper balance between the students’ due process interests and the need to maintain school safety/order.

Scenario for Chapter 6 Part 1

1.Two senior high school students, Frank Zappa and Leon Russell, had been suspended for refusing to comply with the school district’s grooming code, requiring all students to having well-groomed faces. The code also requires male students to be completely clean shaven” with no beards or mustaches of any style. Frank Zappa and Leon Russell have been removed from class for not following the dress code and other district policies. The two students punished under the grooming code sued school officials claiming a violation of due process. On the other hand, the school officials noted that the district’s grooming code regarding facial hair on male students is a common policy among school districts. The school principal, Bill Graham, explained, “If someone comes up and says we want everyone to do this or that, you don’t just change it based on one or two student requests. The grooming policy has been in place to prepare students for life after high school, but also for safety reasons. It’s easier for security to identify a non-student with facial hair quicker.”

2.From the moment students arrived at Pink Floyd Charter High School Network they struggled to follow the school’s strict adherence to inflexible rules, with demerits handed out for infractions. There were rules governing how students moved. Teachers issued demerits when students leaned against a wall or placed their heads on their desks. The penalty for falling asleep was 10 demerits, which triggered a detention; skipping detention could warrant a suspension. Closed eyes carried a penalty of two demerits. The rules did not ease up between classes: stiff penalties for failing to follow the taped lines in the hallways. The 20-page document on penalties for accumulated demerits is a blanket school discipline policy applied to all the schools under the charter’s network across the country. Several parents sued the school officials, claiming that the school’s demerit point system has created various punishments that are more serious than the misconduct. Parents also noted that the school does not follow a common process for hearing expulsion cases.

Chapter 6 Exam: Due Process of Law (Part 2)

Answer the following questions. Minimum 500 words and maximum 750 words.

1. Provide a clear and concise definition of formal notice and hearing in a language that your co-workers, students, and parents will understand. What are the implications for school principals and teachers?

2. Provide a clear and concise definition of procedural due process in a language that your co-workers, students, and parents will understand. What are the implications for school principals and teachers?

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