Case Study – part 1 (Data analysis)
You are working for a company that builds and operates robotic systems for warehouse stock
control. You are given the following .csv file from your colleague (link here). The .csv file
contains information about recent robotic system failures recorded in a database. They ask you
to analyze the data and draw conclusions about what actions should be taken.
Tip: You could choose to use google sheets to analyze the data
You already know the following information:
● Recently some colleagues have been complaining about performance issues with
● You understand that it costs 4x as much to fix an issue ‘remotely’ then ‘locally’ due to
the cost of ‘on-site local labor’ as opposed to using a ‘remote support team’
Make an analysis of the data, and present your findings in the form of a short report.
Case Study – part 2 (Conflict resolution)
You notice that one of your colleagues Bob is not attending their team’s standup today. Bob is a
member of the operations team and they work to operate automation systems stock taking in
the warehouse.
When you ask in standup whether “his whereabouts are known”, your team member explains
that they often don’t attend as they don’t see the value in the meeting. You know that Bob
should be attending standup as it is a mandatory alignment meeting for the team.
What are the next steps you would take in this situation?
Case Study – part 3 (Project management)
You note that there is a relevant opportunity for your robotics company to apply for government
supported funding (a grant) under the category ‘Commercializing artificial intelligence for
warehouse environments’. The funding competition consists of the schedule outlined in the table
Schedule of competition
Date Stage Description
25th November 2022 Competition opens
9th December 2022 Virtual briefing event An introduction to the
competition and guidance on
the application process
13th December 2022 Networking event An opportunity to network
with potential partner
13th January 2023 Competition closes
1st March 2023 Applicant notified
You are asked to prepare an application for the competition. You know the following information
● The company you work for has been both successful and unsuccessful in applying for
government funding in the past
● The company has recently developed some technology for which would be eligible for
this competition, it is a software technology that enables robots to faster geolocate
stocked items in warehouses
● Your team members have information on the technical details of this technology
The requirements for entry to the competition are as follows [note you are not asked to draft
these documents in this question!]:
● Submit a 8 page application (A4, single sided) to an online entry portal
● Submit a supporting financial plan in spreadsheet format
You know the following:
● The funding competition is extremely competitive
● Normally successful applicants apply with partner organizations
● Normally successful applicants take advice from professional grant writers
● Applicants can apply for a share of up to £30 million from a £200 million competition fund
● Prepare a short, high level plan for making an application to the competition.
○ On the plan outline the main activities and milestones.
○ As part of the plan include a short, high level risk assessment for this project.
(This could take the form of a short table).

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