Case Study: Meal Plan Specifics Assignment Instructions


This assignment will give you a chance to apply the knowledge gained in this course. This is the practical application of sports nutrition, working with an athlete, or team of athletes, and guiding them to adopt appropriate eating behaviors that with enhance performance and health. Make sure you research information for all parts of this assignment to make it as realistic as possible.


Centering on the sport’s various features presented in the Case Study: Choose a Sport Assignment, create a fictious athlete. Name the athlete and provide demographic information about the athlete. Paint the picture of this athlete’s current situation, as well as athletic goals. Based on your specific athlete, create a comprehensive diet plan for your athlete.

Create two days of menus for your athlete. One representing a Training Day or Pre-Event Day and one the Day of Competition.

Enter these menus into a nutrition analysis program that analyses the macronutrients and micronutrients. (i.e. Cronometer –

Include these charts in you submission. Minimally charts should provide information on protein, carbohydrates, fat, calories and any micronutrient of concern – iron, calcium, vitamin D, sodium, etc…Show calculations for these two days of menus that exemplify practical application of dietary recommendations. You must explain how each fits your specific sport – this should not be based on a general macronutrient distribution such as AMDR but on what fits your sport and level.  Prescribe/Recommend for your athlete in his/her specific sport/level for training and separate for competition (give references).  Show calculations and recommended times of consumption.

As you work on this assignment “pretend” you are working with the athlete. If you have this mind set it will help you to better answer questions. For example, your athlete may ask, “why do I have to eat this now?” Or, “why can’t I have this later?”  Why can’t I have ____ for lunch? This is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your understanding of the material. You need to not only create these menus but also explain WHY they should be followed. So view this last submission in two parts.

1.         The menus that will fuel your athlete properly

2.         The dialog/discussion/report that will explain why it is important to follow these menus. Discuss in understandable terms to your athlete the dangers that will be avoided or minimized and the benefits that can accompany following the menus.

This is your opportunity to demonstrate your competence and understanding, so be detailed and comprehensive. Without counting charts, tables, or menus this section of your paper should consist of 1500–1800 words and be in AMA format.

Use the following 6 bolded headings to guide your discussion:

  1. Review General Description of athlete and sport
  2. Menu charts
  3. Dietary guidelines/needs and rationale for pre, event, and post times based on workouts discussed previously (show calculations for determining calorie and protein needs)
  4. Hydration guidelines/needs and rationale for pre, event, and post times.
  5. Specific nutrition information and recommendations to help prevent, reduce, or alleviate issues presented in Part 1
  6. Any supplements or ergogenic aids that would be beneficial. These recommendations may be included as bullet points.

Following is a breakdown of the points that can be earned (and lost) for this assignment:

Calories – 5 points for 2 menus = 10 points total

Grams carbohydrate – 5 points for 2 menus = 10 points total

Grams protein – 5 points for 2 menus = 10 points

Grams fat or % – 5 points for 2 menus = 10 points

Nutrient adequacy is addressed (supplements or how to improve menu to meet nutrient needs – 5 point

Grams of carbohydrate before, during and after training/competition and Fluids – before, during and after training/competition – 30 points

Menus closely match each of above (for example – calories should be within 50 of goal, carbohydrate should be within 15 to 30 grams of goal…) and food composition is accurate (Discuss if your totals match your goals.)   – 10 points

Reports should show for each food on the menu – calories, grams carbohydrate, protein and fat (fat may be in %) plus totals for each meal and grams carbohydrate before, during, after including total grams carbohydrate before, during and after – 20 points 

Nutritional challenges/issues addressed from Part 1 with couple of food examples as appropriate – 20 points

Before submitting, be sure to review the grading rubric and the above identified 6 heading guideline to guide your discussion. This will ensure you answer all necessary areas.

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent105 to >96.0 pts Advanced Created an accurate pre-event day menu and an accurate menu for the day of competition along with dietary analysis and hydration guide. Menu & discussion takes into account micro and macro- nutrient recommendations: Calories, Grams of Carbohydrate, Grams of Protein, Grams or % Fat, Timing, Fluid needs Nutrient adequacy and how to improve nutrient needs is excellently addressed. Provided complete and accurate charts that were easy to follow AND coincided with report. Submission addressed all necessary features from Choose a Sport. Provided specific nutrition information and recommendations to help prevent, reduce, or alleviate issues and challenges presented in Choose a Sport. Student demonstrated excellence based on their suggestions and rationale of each area identified. 96 to >87.0 pts Proficient Created an acceptable pre-event day menu and a menu for the day of competition along with dietary analysis and hydration guide. Menu & discussion adequately takes into account micro and macro- nutrient recommendations: Calories, Grams of Carbohydrate, Grams of Protein, Grams or % Fat, Timing, Fluid needs. Nutrient adequacy and how to improve nutrient needs is adequately addressed. Provided adequate charts one could follow AND they coincided with report. Submission addressed nearly all necessary features from Choose a Sport. Provided specific nutrition information and recommendations to help prevent, reduce, or alleviate issues and challenges presented in Choose a Sport. Student demonstrated acceptable competence based on their suggestions and rationale of each area identified. 87 to >0.0 pts Developing An attempt was made to create pre-event day menu and a menu for the day of competition along with dietary analysis and hydration guide. Menu & discussion partially takes into account micro and macro- nutrient recommendations: Calories, Grams of Carbohydrate, Grams of Protein, Grams or % Fat, Timing, Fluid needs Explanation of nutrient adequacy and how to improve nutrient needs was attempted. Provided incomplete or inaccurate charts that were confusing or unclear. They may or may not have coincided with report. Submission did not adequately address necessary features from Choose a Sport. Or did not provided specific nutrition information and recommendations to help prevent, reduce, or alleviate issues and challenges presented in Choose a Sport. Student demonstrated partial competence based on their suggestions and rationale of each area identified.105 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat45 to >40.0 pts Advanced Proper AMA formatting. Minimum of 2 peer-reviewed resources are cited. Excellent spelling & grammar, and proper word count. 40 to >37.0 pts Proficient 1-2 errors in AMA formatting. 1-2 peer-reviewed resources. Minor spelling & grammar errors (<3-4) proper word count. 37 to >0.0 pts Developing 3 or more Errors in AMA formatting. 0-1 peer-reviewed resources. Significant spelling & grammar errors (>4). Word count is either significantly over or under proper amount. 0 pts Not Present45 pts
Total Points: 150

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