Part 1 —– 3 slides

Compare and contrast business protocols in your selected country with those in Canada.  


  1. negotiation styles
  2. language
  3. silent language
  4. forms of greetings
  5. style of dress
  6. gift giving
  7. punctuality
  8. scheduling of meetings
  9. business entertaining

Explain how each protocol impacts business dealings. Why is it important to consider these differences?

Part 2 = 9 slides

Now you will choose a Canadian/or international company that does not currently market their product in the country you have chosen, and prepare a Marketing Mix for that company.

  1. Highlight any potential marketing challenges the company may face if and when they decide to establish their new plant and sell their product in the country you have chosen.

On behalf of the company, provide the following domestic market-entry information for your country.

  • Product considerations including things like selection of brand names, logos and slogans, taste and ingredients preferences, product features, product quality, product benefits, packaging and labelling, and local language issues.  

  • Consumer considerations, including an analysis of your target market’s wants and needs, demographic and psychographic determinations, local cultural norms, spending patterns, and motivation of domestic consumers.

  • Place considerations:  including things like choice of distribution channels and potential use of e-distribution, branch plants and licensing (manufacturing/distribution) agreements, franchising and/or acquisitions.

  • Convenience considerations, including a description of how you will make your products available to consumers.

  • Pricing considerations, including things like preferred pricing strategies (e.g., penetration, economy, skimming, premium) taking into account local costs of labour, natural resources, capital, overhead, shipping, legal fees, packaging and inspections.
  • Cost considerations, including an overview of the different costs a customer might incur in buying your product. Try to justify the value that consumers are getting from purchasing your products at the prices set.
  • Promotion considerations including things like potential multimedia advertising campaigns, free publicity strategies, public relations campaigns, direct marketing campaigns, and strategic sales promotions.

  • Communication considerations, including an overview of how the company will develop a positive relationship with consumers, and how value of the product will be communicated.

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