Learners may use their own employment context to write an assignment based on assessment tasks. Assessment tasks are learning outcomes of the unit associated with Assessment Criteria. You are required to generate sufficient evidence on assessment criteria to meet learning outcomes of the unit within the rules, regulations and standards to achieve credits of the unit. If you are not in employment, please use the following scenario.
Consider you are working as a Senior Manager of a small-medium sized insurance private limited organisation, which deals with its customers all over the world to sell its motor, home, life, savings and retirement insurance products and services. Your role includes organisational development, strategy development and change management to ensure the overall direction of the company is aligned with the strategic plan. In your role, you use business models, and explore the relationship between enterprising behaviour and business success, the different ways in which the company/organisation can grow and the different types of business that they might be expected to work in. Due to the change in the market and the increase in the global competition, you are required to write an assignment to explore growth options, develop different business development models with competitive environment scanning and analysis. Therefore, prepare a report based on your examining, analysis and evaluation of business models to meet the following 3 tasks that will help Directors to set long-term strategic plan to meet organisational’ visions, goals, and strategy requirements and to gain competitive advantages.

Task 1 – 650 words
Examine growth options and the resource implications on organization structures and operations.
: Illustrate the differences between strategy and a plan.
: Provide ideas and examples of different approaches to delivering business growth.
: Analyse the impact and resource requirements likely for growth strategies in a range of organisations.
Task 2 – 650 words
Develop an appreciation of different business models and how performance and success of ventures may be evaluated. : Analyse different business models and their revenue streams.
: Identify and recommend ways in which business performance can be measured and new ventures evaluated.
: Provide examples of innovation in businesses and comment on their success.
Task 3 – 700 words
Evaluate environmental scanning and how growth options may be analysed. 3.1: Use environmental scanning as a tool to identify business opportunities. 3.2: Analyse businesses that have successfully used environmental scanning. 3.3: Provide examples of strategic fit in determining growth options.

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