I.         Mission:  Book Review

II.        General Task:  Read and analyze the book entitled, Gideon v. Wainwright:  The right to Free Counsel by Ron Fridell. The book link has been added to your Mind Tap learning path. Your review should address the following issues and questions:

  1. What are the facts and circumstances associated with the Clarence Earl Gideon case?
  2. What was Clarence Earl Gideon charged with? 
  3. Identify and discuss the legal issues associated with the Gideon case.
  4. What prior cases gave precedent to Gideon’s denial of rights?
  5. How important was the Powell v. Alabama and Betts v. Brady in convincing the United States Supreme Court that Gideon was denied constitutional rights. 
  6. What role did the 14th Amendment play in Gideon’s argument?
  7. What was the United States Supreme Court final decision in Gideon v. Wainwright?

The paper should be written in MLA Style.  Please reference the below link for MLA format. https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/mla_style/mla_formatting_and_style_guide/mla_general_format.html).  The paper should be 4-6 pages in length, Times New Roman Script, 12 font, one inch margins, and doubled spaced.

III.      Book Review Scoring Rubric:

_______________            Introductory Statement – 20 points

_______________      Knowledge and Critical Analysis – 40 points

                  _______________            Conclusion – 20 points 

_______________      Grammar, Spelling and Clarity – 10 points                                                                            

_______________      MLA Structure and format – 10 points                                                                            

_______________            Total (100 points)

IV.       Due Date:  The paper is will be submitted through the Tunitin.com link on Blackboard. 

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