I. Mission: Book Review
II. General Task: Read and analyze the book entitled, Gideon v. Wainwright: The right to Free Counsel by Ron Fridell. The book link has been added to your Mind Tap learning path. Your review should address the following issues and questions:
- What are the facts and circumstances associated with the Clarence Earl Gideon case?
- What was Clarence Earl Gideon charged with?
- Identify and discuss the legal issues associated with the Gideon case.
- What prior cases gave precedent to Gideon’s denial of rights?
- How important was the Powell v. Alabama and Betts v. Brady in convincing the United States Supreme Court that Gideon was denied constitutional rights.
- What role did the 14th Amendment play in Gideon’s argument?
- What was the United States Supreme Court final decision in Gideon v. Wainwright?
The paper should be written in MLA Style. Please reference the below link for MLA format. https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/mla_style/mla_formatting_and_style_guide/mla_general_format.html). The paper should be 4-6 pages in length, Times New Roman Script, 12 font, one inch margins, and doubled spaced.
III. Book Review Scoring Rubric:
_______________ Introductory Statement – 20 points
_______________ Knowledge and Critical Analysis – 40 points
_______________ Conclusion – 20 points
_______________ Grammar, Spelling and Clarity – 10 points
_______________ MLA Structure and format – 10 points
_______________ Total (100 points)
IV. Due Date: The paper is will be submitted through the Tunitin.com link on Blackboard.