Instructions on Research Synthesis Paper

Course: Behavior/Psychology of Physical Education Coaching

There is no book for the course. Some areas of discussion include: Sport & Exercise Psychology, Learning about Participants-Personality and Sport-Motivation-Arousal, Stress, & Anxiety, Sport & Exercise Environments-Competition and Cooperation, Four-Stage Model of Competition, Is Competition Good or Bad,  Group Processes, Improving Performance, Enhancing Health and Well-Being, Is Facilitating Psychological Growth and Development just to name a few areas.

“Some lecture and video content from Weinberg, R. and Gould, D. (2015).  Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology. Sixth edition, Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.”

The purpose of the final paper is to demonstrate your ability to synthesize and apply information from your course work in a usable format consistent with your career aspirations and/or future line of study. As a coach, I will pursue sports such as, football or track & field or as a teacher, in Physical Education.

Research Synthesis Paper Outline:

I. Introduction

a. What is the Problem? / Significance?

b. Purpose Statement – covers HPE 3100 class content, and provides a descriptive rationale about the significance of the topic.

II. Literature Review

a. Define/describe Theories or Constructs

b. Major Topics (note – headings should be specific topics (e.g., Self-Efficacy Theory), not “Major Topics”)

III. Conclusions

a. Summary of Major Findings

b. Future Research

c. Practical Implications / Recommendations

Create an outline of your project including section topics and a brief description of the content of each. Make sure to provide citations in your outline that are applicable to each section. Citation format must be APA and you must also provide a reference list in APA (6th edition) format. Citations and references must match. The organization of your outline will depend on what you chose to do for you project, but I have provided the general format as noted above.

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