1. Introduction: Create an introduction for the complete paper. The introduction is the first paragraph that does the following:
    1. Introduce the paper’s topic and establishes its importance.
    1. Present a clear purpose statement that mirrors the assignment purpose.
    1. Create a brief overview (outline statement) for the combined paper outlining the three primary Level 1 headings: Organizational Needs Assessment, Leading the Practice-Change Project, and Leading and Managing Practice-change Teams.
  2. Revise and correct the Week 3 content.
    1. Don’t forget to include revisions as necessary to Table 1 (Organizational Needs Assessment: Practice Gap Identification) and Table 2 (Johns Hopkins Individual Evidence Summary Tool).
    1. Revise the required sections (as they are on the template) under the level heading Organizational Needs Assessment:
      1. Problem
      1. Practice Gap
      1. Practice Question
    1. Under the template’s level 1 heading, Leading the Practice-Change Project, revise the section “Interprofessional Collaboration in Leading Project Teams” as needed.
  3. Under the template’s level 1 heading, Leading the Practice-Change Project, complete the following sections in the template:
    1. Communicating in Project Management. Explain how you will align verbal and nonverbal messages and use professional written communication in your project.
    1. Leadership Ethics: Explain how you will balance an ethic of justice with an ethic of care in your leadership style and manage conflicts that may arise within your team.
    1. Lead Social Justice Change within the Project Environment: Explain how you will lead social justice change within the project environment.
  4. Complete the level 1 heading section, “Leading and Managing Practice-change Teams,” by completing each level 2 section:
    1. Leading Through Innovation, explaining how you will foster innovation and creativity and apply the framework of adaptive leadership.
    1. Integrating Leadership and Management Models, explaining how you will create your approach to using both management and leadership skills to guide change and sustain the practice change.;
    1. Managing Materials and Human Resources, explaining how you will create your approach to strategic planning for materials and human resources for your project.
  5. Conclusion
    1. Recap the completed paper’s purpose statement and organization (Level 1 headings) (don’t include “Conclusion”).
    1. Draw major conclusions from the body of your paper.
    1. Summarize the paper’s relevance to the practice change project.

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