Review the following information from your discussion board and readings from the “Discover” section of this week’s module:

  • What is Mainstreaming?
  • Video on Accommodations and Modifications for Special Needs Students.
  • Difference between Modifications and Accommodations for Special Needs Students
  • Suggested Modifications for Students with Special Needs
  • Accommodations Checklist
  • What is an IEP?
  • A Personal Code of Ethics



Assignment One: Modifying Lesson Plans to Accommodate Students with Special Needs

  • Review the lesson plan you created in module one.
  • Modify this lesson plan to accommodate your students with special needs.
  • Below you will see IEP’s and a 504 plan for three hypothetical students in your class. 
    • Use the information in these documents and the information you have learned from the readings to modify the lesson plan you created in Week One.
    • Include the accommodations and modifications In the “Accommodations/Modifications for Students with Special Needs” section of your lesson plan template. 
    • You must use the lesson plan template to receive credit for this assignment. 
  • Describe the accommodations and modifications you will make in this lesson for students with special needs. Your accommodations and modifications must be more than just extra handouts, or less work completed. Accommodations and modifications must be planned strategies that meet the individual needs of the three hypothetical students.

Here are the IEP’s and 504 for three hypothetical students. Use these documents to modify the lesson plan you developed in Week Three.


High_School_IEP_student_two.docx Download High_School_IEP_student_two.docx

504_Plan_Medical_student_three.docx Download 504_Plan_Medical_student_three.docx

Lesson_Plan_Template 102 with SPED Modifications.docx 

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