Assignment 3: Regional Impacts of Climate Change

The assignment has two sections:

  • Section A: Short Critical Reflections (30 marks) (250 Words x 3 = 750 Words)
  • Section B: Essay (70 marks) (1000 Words)

Section A: Short Critical Reflections (30 marks)

Select one of the assigned readings in each topic in Module 2 and write a short critical reflection (about 250 words) for each (a total of three critical reflections; ten marks for each reflection).

The critical reflection should present your own thoughts and responses to the reading. Thus, it is an interaction between the ideas in the reading and your own interpretation and response to what you have read. The critical reflection is a polished piece of writing that will be assessed using the same criteria as any piece of writing. It should include an introduction, a body that presents your thoughts clearly and logically, and a conclusion. You may write in the first person but be sure to refer to some of the ideas that are introduced in the reading.

Reflection 1 – 250 words based on source below

Read pages 333–337 (up to Section 2.2) of Chapter 8 “British Columbia” by Ian Walker and Rodney Sydneysmith in the Government of Canada report From Impacts to Adaptation: Canada in a Changing Climate 2007.

  • Walker, I. J., & Sydneysmith, R. (2008). Chapter 8: British Columbia. In D. S. Lemmen, F. Warren, J. Lacroix, & E. Bush (Eds.), From impacts to adaptation: Canada in a changing climate 2007. Retrieved from the Government of Canada website:

Reflection 2 – 250 words based on source below –

Read pages 1–16 (up to the end of Section 4.5) in Crawford and Beveridge’s Strengthening BC’s Agriculture Sector in the Face of Climate Change.

  • Crawford, E., & Beveridge, R. (2013, May). In R. Meyer (Ed.), Strengthening BC’s agriculture sector in the face of climate change. Retrieved from

Reflection 3 – 250 words based on source below –

Read pages 269–270 (starting at Section 4.2) and page 280 in Canada in a Changing Climate: Sector Perspectives on Impacts and Adaptation.

  • Warren F. J. & Lemmen, D. S. (Eds.). (2014). Canada in a changing climate: Sector perspectives on impacts and adaptation. Retrieved from the Government of Canada website:

Section B: Essay (70 marks)

Now that you have a general understanding of the observed and potential impacts of climate change in British Columbia, write an essay of 1000 words on how you think an altered climate may change people’s lifestyle expectations and attitudes in BC. This requires giving further thought to the potential impacts of climate change that you examined throughout the module and evaluating the significance of those impacts. For example, how might a changed climate affect where people locate, insurance policies, health issues, and so on? And which factors may limit or strengthen people’s and/or communities’ ability to adapt to climate change?

You must reference the course resources that you use in your paper. You are encouraged to use additional references, but they are not required for this assignment. A strong paper will consider the implications of three potential impacts.

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