Purpose: To examine research studies that address your PICO clinical question developed in Assignment #2 of this course. 


1. Of the four primary research articles you selected for Assignment #2, select three.  Note:  you may not use your secondary research article for this assignment. 

2.  Determine the type of research for each of your three articles (experimental/ quasi-experimental, non-experimental, or qualitative).  Complete the appropriate matrix table according to the study type.  These matrices will help me evaluate your comprehension of research methodology.

3.  Provide a reference list of your three selected articles in APA format.  

4. You must also upload pdf copies of all three of your research articles.  Title the pdfs with the last name of the first author of the article. Note:  *It is necessary to submit an electronic copy of these articles so that I can verify the content. 

General expectations/ notes:

  • Use only primary research articles. Do not include review articles or clinical practice guidelines in your matrix tables.
  • Use 9pt font and landscape view. You may adjust the table to make it more readable (i.e. widen columns where there is more text so that you do not have columns that are excessively long.)
  • This assignment must be typed. 
  • Your selected three research studies must have been published within the past 7 years.
  • Your reference list, in APA format, should list only your three selected articles.

Grading Rubric for Matrix Assignment

CriteriaProficient  (3 pts)Competent (2 pts)Novice (1 pt) Underdeveloped (0 pts)
Use of current articles published within 7 yearsAll 3 articles are published within 7 years2 articles are published within 7 yearsOnly 1 article is published within 7 yearsNo articles are published within 7 years
Use of primary research articlesAll 3 articles are primary sources2 articles are primary sourcesOnly 1 article is primary sourceNo articles are primary sources
Study purpose  Study purpose is accurate for all 3 articlesStudy purpose is accurate for 2 articlesStudy purpose is accurate for 1 articleStudy purpose is inaccurate for all 3 articles
Study method or design identified correctlyMethod or design correctly identified in all 3 articlesMethod or design correctly identified in 2 articlesMethod or design correctly identified in 1 articleMethod or design incorrect in all 3 articles
Population Description  Sample is described accurately in all 3 articlesSample is described accurately in 2 articlesSample is described accurately in 1 articleSample is described inaccurately in all 3 articles
Intervention/ComparisonIntervention/Comparison described accurately in all applicable articlesIntervention/Comparison described accurately in most applicable articlesIntervention/Comparison described accurately in some applicable articlesIntervention/Comparison described inaccurately in all applicable articles
Outcomes: Data collection methods  Data collection method is accurate in all 3 articlesData collection method is accurate in 2 articlesData collection method is accurate in 1 articleData collection method is inaccurate in all 3 articles
Outcomes: FindingsFindings accurate in all 3 articlesFindings accurate in 2 articlesFindings accurate in 1 articleFindings inaccurate in all 3 articles
Reference list in APA format  0 or 1 of the same error made2 or 3 of the same errors made4 or 6 of the same errors madeMore than 6 of the same errors made
Spelling/grammar  0 or 1 spelling/grammar errors2 or 3 spelling/grammar errors4 or 6 spelling/grammar errorsMore than 6 spelling/grammar errors
Attached PDF of full text of articlesAll 3 article full text PDFS attached2 article full text PDFS attached1 article full text PDF attachedNo article PDFs attached

Methodology Matrix Template

Quantitative: Experimental/ Quasi-experimental Study

Put an APA citation for your article.PurposeStudy DesignPopulation: Describe the sample of the study (not the inclusion criteria) Who was in the study?   How many people?   Where was the study conducted?Intervention/Comparison What was the intervention?    What was the comparison or control? Be specific so that another person could duplicate it.Outcomes: What are the DV in the study and how were they measured? If applicable, compare the baseline  and follow-up statistics.   Were these changes statistically and/or clinically significant?

Quantitative: Non-Experimental Study

Put an APA citation for your article.PurposeStudy Design Population: Describe the sample of the study (not the inclusion criteria) Who was in the study?   How many people?   Where was the study conducted?Outcomes: What are the DV in the study and how were they measured? Were these changes statistically and/or clinically significant?

Qualitative Study

Put an APA citation for your article.PurposeStudy DesignPopulation: Describe the sample of the study (not the inclusion criteria) Who was in the study?   How many people?   Where was the study conducted?Outcomes: How was the data collected?   What were the themes?


Week 5 of 7. Assignment 2: Methodology Matrix is due this week. You will be required to use three primary articles from assignment 1 for this article. If your feedback states none of your articles were primary articles, please choose new articles related to your topic. You can choose to change your PICO question. If you need help determining if an article is a primary article, please email me and I will assist you. Primary articles include research that was conducted by the author. If the article says literature review, meta-analysis, or systematic review, it’s not primary. Look at the methods area of the article, if it’s missing, it’s likely not primary. There are articles provided to assist you and an example of the assignment. 

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