Pre-Assignment Instructions:

Topic of Interest:

  1. The Benefits of Licensed Home Child Care.

Part 1: Research

  1. To complete the assignment must properly research the above assigned topic of interest. Acceptable sources should include: academic journals, information from credible ECE related websites. It does not include: news articles or personal experience or non-credible sources.
  2. The research must be related to the topic and related to current government policies (so you cannot quote information from past governments. It must be related to governments that are currently in power.) government website:
  • A full Reference sheet must be provided.  It must be in APA format. You can refer to the following website to make sure you are properly citing your work:

Algonquin College Library, Citing Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism

  • There rubric included below includes the criteria that will be used for marking the research part of this assignment. 

Part 2: The Assembled Presentation

This presentation will reflect the individual research you conduct on your topic and your audio recordings of that information. Each presentation will include an introduction of the topic. This should include
important definitions and explanations so those who are unfamiliar with the topic
will understand.

  •  Each presentation will include a minimum of 4 major points about the benefits
    of the topic.
  • The presentation will have an introduction, conclusion and reference.
  • Each presentation will include a conclusion. This conclusion should be a
    summary of the main points discussed in the presentation.

The rubric will provide you with the elements to include in your presentation.

Assignment Grading Rubric (20%)

CriteriaExcellentGoodSatisfactoryNeeds ImprovementPoints
Discussion board  42-3104
 -Two or more personal ideas were posted by each member in the discussion board, including many insightful comments provided to others responses -Excellent on-line evidence and information provided on Brightspace demonstrating individual participation in the group -Created and followed an agreed upon timeline -Demonstrated excellent effective communication on the group discussion board-Two or more ideas were posted in discussion board by each member, including adding suggestions to another group members ideas -Good on-line evidence and information provided on Brightspace demonstrating individual participation in the group -Somewhat followed the agreed upon timeline, attended less that 80% -Demonstrated effective communication on the group discussion board  -Some on- line evidence and information provided on Brightspace demonstrating individual participation in the group  -No on-line evidence and information provided on Brightspace demonstrating individual participation in the group  
Research:  64-52-30-1/6
     -Clear, concise synthesis of course content to demonstrate a thorough understanding of topic   -All ideas are current developed, organized logically, and connected with easy to follow and effective transitions   -Explores ideas, supports points fully using a balance of evidence, uses effective reasoning to make useful distinctions -All relevant course and topic links are made  -Evidence of some synthesis of course content to demonstrate understanding of topic     -Most unified and coherent current ideas are developed with effective transitions   -Supports most ideas with effective examples, and/or references, and details, makes key distinctions   -Most relevant course and topic links are made  -Lack of evidence or weakness in the synthesis of course content to demonstrate understanding of topic   -Develops some current ideas that are not necessarily connected   -Some ideas seem illogical and/or unrelated   -Presents ideas in general terms, most ideas are inconsistent/unsupported, and reasoning is flawed or unclear -Some relevant course and topic links are made  -No evidence or weakness in the synthesis of course content to demonstrate understanding of topic -Develops and organizes ideas that are not connected or current -All ideas seem illogical and/or unrelated -Presents ideas in general terms, all ideas are inconsistent/unsupported, and reasoning is flawed or unclear -No relevant course and topic links are made
Presentation style:  64-52-30-1/6
 -Very well-developed introduction of the topic (definitions and explanations are clearly stated to bring complete clarity to the topic)   -More than 4 major points about the benefits of the group’s topic   -Very well-developed conclusion (summary of the main points clearly discussed) -Each member clearly states more than 1 quotes/references about several points about the topic -Participants fully speak for a total of 5 minutes  – Well developed introduction of the topic (definitions and explanations are clearly stated to bring complete clarity to the topic)   -4 major points about the benefits of the group’s topic   -Well developed conclusion (mostly a summary of the main points clearly discussed)   -Each member states 1 or more quote/reference about several points about the topic -Participants fully speak for at least 4 minutes  -Somewhat developed introduction of the topic (definitions and explanations are somewhat stated)   -1-3 major points about the benefits of the group’s topic   -Somewhat developed conclusion (summary of the main points somewhat discussed)   -Each member states 1 quote/reference about 1 point about the topic -Participants speak for less than 3 minutes  -Introduction of the topic not included (definitions and explanations are not clearly stated)   -No major points about the benefits of the group’s topic   -Conclusion of the topic not included (summary of the main points not clearly discussed)   -Not all members state 1 quote/reference about the topic -Limited or no participation
Organization and Clarity:  210 /2
 -All information offered is clearly outlined in an organized manner -All views are clearly expressed and well explained   -Contains original ideas, connections or applications  -Some clearly outlined in an organized manner -Views are rarely clear and require further explanation -Many non-original ideas, or unclear connections or applications  -Information that is provided is not accurate -Views are not clear and requires further explanation -No original ideas and connections are not clear 
References:  210 /2
 -Reference sheet provided with all necessary requirements and in APA format-Reference sheet-provided with minor errors in formatting or information  -Reference sheet provided but not in APA format or missing information  
Total Points    20

Note: 5% of your mark will be Peer Evaluation

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