Sociology :  Social Inequality


The purpose of this assignment is to identify media coverage of class inequality issues, to learn how to critically assess that coverage using course and non-course content, and to develop informed ideas about how to address class inequality. In addition, this assignment is linked to an oral presentation that will help develop verbal skills for covering inequality issues.


Select a news story from the past year that is relevant to class inequality and that is from a major newspaper (e.g., the Houston Chronicle or the New York Times). Write a report in which you briefly summarize the story, then comment on the news story’s strengths and weaknesses, discuss its implications for class inequality, and make an informed argument using course content as well as non-course content about whether you agree with the story’s implications.

Turn in

Turn in a copy of the newspaper article or a link to the article along with your report, which should be 8-10 double-spaced pages in length, excluding references. Be sure to properly cite your newspaper article, as well as any other sources you use (see the Citation Guide on Canvas). The paper must be submitted through Canvas on the due date before the start of class.

Grading rubric: 

Compelling article (5 points)

Accurate summary (5 points)

Thoughtful assessment of strengths and weaknesses (20 points)

Informed argument applying course content (30 points)

Informed argument applying non-course content (20 points)

Implications for social inequality (20 points)


On Feb 15 or 17, you will give a brief presentation (5 mins) and answer one or two questions from the class about your argument.

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