Submission Process: You must upload your submitted work into CourseDen. Follow these steps. Click on Assessments, then Assignments. Select Assignment 4, to upload your Word file click Add a File. This will give you the chance to locate your document from where it is located on your computer. Once done, please select submit.

Instruction: To answer the question, please type out your answers in a Word file in 12 fonts, Times New Roman, and double space.

Each submitted work must be no more than two written pages. There should be a third page that is the first page of the document that list your name, the assignment number, the course name, and my name as well. You must submit your work by the due date. You have only one late pass for the entire semester.

Instructions and Questions

Adhering to the topics that you have been working throughout the semester, please answer the questions below.

The topic that I selected originally that has a social dimension or that is socially meaningful was COVID-19 infection and Children. Your selected topic should have been a topic that examines COVID alongside another social factor or aspect such as education, economic difficulty or poverty, mental health, abuse, domestic violence, social separation, depression, social isolation, social distancing, or any other social factor of your choosing. Your selected topic must have COVID and another social factor within it. You should have selected a topic that you are really passionate about. A topic that you really want to know about.

Using chapters 12 and 13’s readings, please answer all the questions below individually. You must answer all of these questions in your own words.

  1. What are the differences between quantitative data approach and qualitative data approach? You must watch the video in the link, and the link also provides a complete insight on all the approaches.
  2. When do you use quantitative data approach and qualitative data approach? Please explain.
  3. Please explain the mixed methods approach?
  4. Please write two closed ended research questions (quantitative data approach) that are related to the COVID topic that you have worked on throughout the semester? Hint: your closed ended questions must have answer choices that are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive categories. See this link on what mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive mean.
  5. Please write two opened ended research questions (qualitative data approach) that are related to the COVID topic that you have worked on through the semester?

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