Your assignment is to write a 5-6 page, double-spaced, paper making one of the following cases:

(A) The United States Congress needs to repeal Section 230 of the United States Communications Decency Act.   The costs outweigh the benefits.


(B) The United States does not need to repeal Section 230 of the United States Communications Decency Act.   The benefits outweigh the costs.

     Remember that this is an argumentative essay, so you are not required to offer a balanced overview of this issue. I want you to locate five academic, peer-reviewed journal articles or books (e.g. no Newsweek, New York Times, Wikipedia) that support your perspective, and include a works cited page that includes these sources.   You are welcome to include other popular sources as well, but these will not count toward the required five.   You are not allowed to use articles that are already featured on our class’s Blackboard page.  Please use the Modern Language Association’s (MLA) Formatting and Style Guide when writing your paper.

     Your paper will be graded based on the clarity and cohesion of your argument, the quality of your evidence, and how skillfully you employ the evidence to support your perspective.   Naturally, the best papers will also be free of grammatical errors, misspellings, punctuation problems, etc.   Keep in mind that you have a great deal of flexibility here in making your argument— for instance, you may examine research outside of the discipline (e.g. economics, journalism, etc.).  You will be required to articulate your arguments, so come prepared with your remarks!

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