Your major essay must be 3,500 words in length. It must be typed, double-spaced and in 12-point sized font, and submitted through the LMS site for this subject. See below (under the heading ‘Assessment Submission’) for more details on how to submit your assessment.


  1. Are we living in a ‘time of terror’ or a ‘time of counter-terror’ or both? Critically discuss the relation between terrorism and counter-terrorism, in contemporary society.

Topic: I believe it depends where one lives. In a western country you are more likely living in an age of counter terror whereas countries closer to the Middle East or Africa could be living in a time of terror since Terror groups have nestled there way in those countries. For the purpose of this paper I will be discussing how we are living in a time of counter-terror and focusing on the United States. While the acts of 9/11 still ring for most Americans, the US Governments efforts to subvert any future attacks is there main focus at the moment.

It will be marked with reference to the following criteria:

  • Does the essay answer the essay question?
  • Does it advance a clear and distinctive argument?
  • Is the argument substantiated with adequate references and/or examples?
  • Is the essay structured in a logical and well-organised manner?
  • Does the essay draw on an appropriate amount of research?
  • Does the essay demonstrate a sophisticated comprehension of the subject materials, and any other materials used?
  • Is the essay clearly and concisely written, using appropriate spelling and grammar?
  • Does the essay have a comprehensive and well-presented reference list?

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