Instructions:  Please use and submit your responses to the following questions on this worksheet.

JAMOVI Output:  If the problem does not ask for you to paste your JAMOVI results in the space provided, be sure to post all your JAMOVA output to the end of this report.

Problem 1: Demonstration:  Review the video lecture and the short How-to Jamovi video.  As in both the lecture and video, use 2012 GSS Data and run an ANOVA to test the proposition:  RELITEN ƒ AGE?   Copy and paste your Jamovi output, here:

Problem 2: ANOVA, continued:  Review  the video lecture and the short How-to Jamovi video and now, use 2012 GSS Data and run an ANOVA to test the proposition:  RELITEN ƒ EDUC?  (Another measure of educational level, measured at the continuous level, years of formal schooling).   Copy and paste your Jamovi output, here:

Problem 3: ANOVAs, Reporting Results:  Based on the ANOVA tests on the propositions: RELITEN ƒ AGE and RELITEN ƒ EDUC for 2012 GSS Data, complete the following table to summarize your findings. 

Next: From your review of the “Rules of Writing” for this module and, from the guidance from the video lecture and power point presentation, write-up your propositions (ANOVAs) on RELITEN for 2012 GSS Data.  Your write-up should be between 300 and 400 words and, be sure to discuss issues of reliability and validity in attempting to measure “religious strength of affiliation,” as you point the direction for future research.

  Table 1.  ANOVA Results, A Comparison of Means for Religious Strength of Affiliation by AGE and Educational Level, the General Social Survey 2012 (n=1955).  Question: Would you call yourself strong in your religious faith?  
    Strong    No Religion   
 Age      F =      Df=    P=  
 Educational Level    F =     Df=     P=  

Problem 4: ANOVA, Reporting Results:  Based on the ANOVA results for the propositions: GUNLAW ƒ AGE and GUNLAW ƒ EDUC for 2012 GSS Data, complete the following table to summarize your findings. 

Next: From your review of the “Rules of Writing” for this module and, from the guidance from the video lecture and power point presentation, write-up your propositions (ANOVAs) on GUNLAW for 2012 GSS Data.  Your write-up should be between 300 and 400 words and, be sure to discuss issues of reliability and validity in attempting to measure “gun control views,” as you point the direction for future research.

  Table 2.  ANOVA Results, A Comparison of Means for Gun Control by AGE and Educational Level, the General Social Survey 2012 (n=1283).  Question: Would you favor or oppose a law which would require a person to obtain a police permit before he or she could buy a gun?   
    Age        F =      Df=    P=  
  Educational Level    F =      Df=    P=  

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