As a health care provider, there are many issues that you have the experience or knowledge to advocate for change. Choose an issue, research it and make sure to address the issue, propose evidence-based solutions, and include the populations/community of interest.

  • Identify an issue, and propose a solution.
  • Target the population, resources, stakeholders, local officials, community groups, and policymakers.

Elements of the Poster:

  • Identify the issue
  • Conduct the research (at least three (3) scholarly journals/websites
  • Propose a solution
  • Educate the community of interest
  • Contact information for/policymakers/legislators

This must be an attention-getting poster so there is buy-in from the population/community.


  • Food insecurity – hunger
  • Violence
  • Vaping/Smoking/Medical Marijuana
  • Criminal charges for healthcare workers
  • Patient Safety – privacy, near miss, adverse events, communication, education, dosage clarification
  • Nursing education – entry to practice
  • Staffing, over-time,
  • There are many issues that nurses are prime candidates to advocate for, whether job, community, local, state, national or global.


MSN Standard Poster Presentation for 100 pts (1)

Standard Poster Presentation for 100 pts (1)
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAbstract10 pts A Abstract strongly summarized the student’s research. Clearly supported topic presented and contained important points. 8 pts B Abstract adequately summarized the student’s research. More information would have been beneficial. 7 pts C Minimal connection of abstract to research/ presentation. Abstract did not contain sufficient information. 6 pts D Lacks clear connection of abstract to oral presentation. 0 pts F Does not meet expectations or no submission10 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePoster Organization and Appearance Visual, readability, creativity, organization20 pts A Visually appealing and strongly effective presentation. Easy to read. Utilized creativity in use of graphics, headings, colors, and white space to provide sequential information from introduction to conclusion and references 16 pts B Poster organization was appealing but could improve effectiveness through better use of space through graphics, colors, headings, and white space 14 pts C Poster was acceptable but needs work to improve visual appeal and organization through better utilization of graphics, colors, headings, and white space 12 pts D Lack connection between information presented and topic of research. Not organized or visually effective 0 pts F Does not meet expectations or no submission20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePoster Content20 pts A The content was well summarized. Clearly shows development of study or research with strong citation of sources. Material appears to accurately support purpose of study, hypothesis, or research question(s). Strong conclusions and implications presented. 16 pts B The content was summarized but support for the study, research hypothesis, or question(s) is somewhat general. Conclusion and implications were reasonable. Several sources were correctly documented.. 14 pts C Content presented lacked sufficient information convey a connection to the study, research hypothesis, method, conclusions, or implications. Cited sources were scarce or inadequately documented 12 pts D Content lacks connection between poster content and purpose of study, research hypothesis/ question(s), method, conclusions, or implications. Few or no sources documented. 0 pts F Does not meet expectations or no submission20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeScholarly EBP Integrates evidence to support assignment
Sources may include both general background sources and specialized sources.
Special-interest sources and popular literature are cited as such
Sources are cited per APA
One (1) point will be taken off for incorrect/missing references. Half (1/2) a point will be taken off for incorrect /missing citations.
25 pts A Integrates evidence to support presentation Scholarly resources are from Vise Library or a similar source 5 current scholarly sources used. Sources include both general background sources and specialized sources. All websites utilized are authoritative 20 pts B Integrates evidence to support presentation. Scholarly resources are from Vise Library or a similar source 4 current scholarly sources used. All websites utilized are authoritative. 18 pts C Lacks sufficient integration of evidence to support presentation 3 current sources are scholarly resources. All websites utilized are credible. 15 pts D Minimal integration of evidence to support presentation. Fewer than 3 current sources (or fewer than 3) are scholarly resources. Not all websites utilized are credible, and/or sources are not current. 0 pts F Does not meet expectations or no submission25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAcademic Writing Communicates/writes in an academic manner. Follows APA style for writing: grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation (Grammarly). APA style.25 pts Full Marks Expert writing style that is clear and concise with 3 or less errors. The writing uses correct grammar, punctuation, syntax, spelling. 20 pts B Above-average writing style that is clear with 5 or less errors. The writing uses correct grammar, punctuation, syntax, spelling. 18 pts C Average and/or casual writing style. Writing is clear with 10 or less errors. The writing contains some errors in grammar, punctuation, syntax, spelling. 15 pts D Below-average/poor writing style. The writing style is difficult for readers to follow. 0 pts F Does not meet expectations or no submission25 pts
Total Points: 100

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