Exam details

Questions: 30

Word count: 2000

Total marks: 100


  1. On the exam paper replace Your name, your student id [Word count: XX] with your name, student ID, and word count. Don’t delete the quotation marks!
  2. Save the exam document as studentID-exam.Rmd (with your studentID in place of studentID-exam in the filename).
  3. Word count will be calculated like on the assignment (i.e., following the word count policy as outlined in the Undergraduate Y1-3 student manual and the Grad Dip student manual). The word counts for each of the SAQs are suggested upper limits. We ask you to report your word count for each of those and a total word count at the top of the page. As before, you’re allowed a 10% leeway on total word count; we won’t worry about individual questions. The total word count limit over all questions is 2000. This means that you can go over the word count limit for an individual question by more than 10% as long as the total word count overall is not over 10% (i.e., not over 2200). If you go over the word count limit, the same penalty applies as for the assignment.
  4. As with the assignment, you’ll need to submit a version of this that has been knitted to Word. I highly recommend that you keep trying to knit as you go. You do not want to get to the deadline and find that it is not knitting. Also, if it fails to knit that is usually a sign that you’ve made a mistake somewhere so that’s good to know as you go. (Note that a lot of knitting problems occur if you have accidentally deleted the “` parts of the R code chunk, so be sure not to do that). If in the worst case you cannot succeed in knitting, then cut and paste everything from this Rmd into a word document and submit that.
  5. There will be NO acceptance of exams after the deadline for any reason. However, you can submit multiple versions. I therefore highly encourage you to progressively upload your document to Canvas as you go, and to not leave your final submission to the last moment. We will always mark the last version submitted and not look at anything that came before.
  6. While we encourage collaboration in tutorials and learning in general, you should not be collaborating with anybody AT ALL for this exam. That means sharing code privately or publicly. Even talking about what you’re answering for different problems will effectively be collusion. Different students are being given different datasets in any case, and we’ll be checking your written responses via Turnitin, so collusion will not help. You should be completing it independently, with no help from any other person in any capacity. Of course, as always, you are free to use any of the resources from the subject to help you, and you’re also free to google or use articles or textbooks: the thing that is prohibited is asking anybody specific questions about this assignment.
  7. Complete all of the problems. Do not change any of the arguments to the code chunks, like the names of the code chunks or where it says echo=FALSE or whatever.
  8. Go for partial credit! Many of these questions have some form of partial credit possible. What that means is that if it is asking for some R code, break down the problem into pieces. Even if you can only do some of the pieces, or do them part of the way, that will be worth something. If a question depends on the answer to a previous one and you got the previous one wrong, you can still get points for the later question if you did something sensible given what you thought from the previous one. It is therefore worth doing all of the questions even if you’re not sure about them.
  9. If the question is a short answer question (SAQ), it specifies a word count. To get that you will need to knit to word (or type your answer in word and then paste it into the Rmd) and then put the word count in brackets at the end. SAQs are also worth partial credit and are generally asking for some thoughtful interpretation. If it is based on a previous graph or analysis you’ve done, if you made the graph wrong or ran the wrong analysis, you can still get most or all points for the SAQ part. The word counts I’ve specified in each question are upper limits and designed so that you can answer completely and correctly within that word count, sometimes substantially within. There is no word count for code chunks. Word count only applies to the SAQs.
  10. When a question is asking for a stats block, it’s asking for the test statistic, degrees of freedom, p-value, etc., formatted appropriately and as described in lecture for each of the tests in question.

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