In this exercise, you will demonstrate your understanding of the object-relational features of Oracle.

Directions: Complete the tasks that follow.

  • Take screenshots to show the successful execution of SQL statements for the tasks indicated. Place the screenshots for the tasks indicated after the words, Place screenshot here.
  • Save all SQL statements to one text file named Name the file Additional_Lab_Assignment.txt.

Add comments to identify the task. Include a description of the SQL statement.


The deliverables for this assignment are:

  1. This document that contains the screenshots.
  2. The file named Additional_Lab_Assignment.txt.


  1. Read the lecture notes for Week 5.
  2. Review the on the object-relational features of Oracle
  3. Make a copy of the STUDENT table and name it STUDENT1.

One way to make a copy of the STUDENT table is to use a construction like:


Place screenshot here:

Define a user-defined object type data type named phone_type with attributes COUNTRY_CODE, AREA_CODE and PHONE_NUMBER. Use datatypes varchar2(3), varchar2(3), and varchar2(12), respectively.

Place screenshot here:

  • Define a user-defined VARRAY data type named Phone_List_type as an array of size three of the type phone_type.

Place screenshot here:

  • Modify the table STUDENT1 by adding the attribute PHONE2 is of data type Phone_List_type.

Place screenshot here:

  • Populate the new PHONE2 column:  Use ‘001’ for the value of COUNTRY_CODE. Use the values of AREA_CODE, PHONE_NUMBER from PHONE. The following SQL will populate the PHONE2 with one of phone number.

UPDATE STUDENT1 S SET S.PHONE2 = (phone_list_type(phone_type((‘001’), (substr(,1,3)), (substr(,5,8)))));

Place screenshot here:

  • Drop the column PHONE and rename PHONE2 as PHONE.

Place screenshot here:

  • Write a query to display the values of the attributes student_ID and phone.

select s.student_ID, v.* from student1 s, table ( v;

Place screenshot here:

  • Create a type named course_T that has attributes named COURSE_NO, DESCRIPTION, ENROLL_DATE and FINAL_GRADE.

create or replace type course_T as object(Course_No number(8,0), Description varchar2(50), Enroll_Date date, Final_Grade number(3,0));

Place screenshot here:

  1. Create an object table named course_Table_T as a table of course_T .

create or replace type course_Table_T is table of course_T;

Place screenshot here:

  1. Create a table named transcript that contains the student_id and a column whose type is the table course_Table_T.

create table transcript(Student_ID number(8,0), Transcript_attrib course_Table_T) nested table Transcript_attrib store as Transcript_tab;

Place screenshot here:

  1. Determine what courses have grades and update the transcript table accordingly.

/* Using the following SQL, I determined the students that successfully completed the course. I also obtained the variables needed to populate the nested table and they included student_ID, course_no, Description, Enroll_Date, Final_Grade*/

select e.student_id, c.course_no, c.Description, e.enroll_date, e.final_grade from course c inner join section sc on c.course_NO = sc.course_NO inner join enrollment e on sc.section_ID = e.section_ID inner join student1 s on e.student_id=s.student_id where s.student_id =102 and e.final_grade is not null;

/* The above query yielded only data from only one student who had successfully completed the course. This student’s information was inserted in the nested table as follows */

insert into transcript values(102, course_Table_T(Course_T(25,’Intro to Programming’,’30-JAN-07′,92)));

–The following SQL statement retrieves data from transcript

select t.student_ID, c.* from transcript t, table(t.transcript_attrib) c;                      

Place screenshots here:

  1. Create and populate a table named Current_Enrollment that contains the student_id and a column whose type is the table course_Table_T. Include only those courses with no final grade.


      course_tbl course_table_t;

      counter number;


      FOR i IN (SELECT s.student_id FROM student1 s)


          course_tbl := course_table_t();

          counter := 1;

          FOR k IN (SELECT course_t(c.course_no, c.Description, e.enroll_date, e.final_grade) AS course_temp

                      FROM course c

                      INNER JOIN section sc ON c.course_NO = sc.course_NO

                      INNER JOIN enrollment e ON sc.section_ID = e.section_ID

                      INNER JOIN student1 s ON e.student_id = s.student_id

                      WHERE e.final_grade IS NULL AND e.student_id = i.student_id)



              course_tbl(counter) := k.course_temp;

              counter := counter + 1;

          END LOOP;

          INSERT INTO current_enrollment VALUES(i.student_id, course_tbl);

      END LOOP;



SELECT c.student_ID, t.* FROM current_enrollment c, table(c.current_enrollment_attrib) t;

Place screenshots here:

  1. The attribute PHONE is of type PHONE_LIST TYPE where PHONE_LIST_TYPE  is a VARRAY(3. There is just one phone number in the VARRAY. Modify the database such that the attribute PHONE contains three phone numbers: A primary phone, a home phone number, and a mobile number.


    phone_list phone_list_type;


    FOR i IN (SELECT s.student_id FROM student1 s)


        SELECT INTO phone_list FROM student1 s WHERE s.student_id = i.student_id;


        phone_list (2) := phone_type((‘001’), (‘222’), (‘555-1111’));


        phone_list (3) := phone_type((‘001’), (‘333’), (‘555-4444’));

        UPDATE student1 s SET = phone_list WHERE s.student_id = i.student_id;




SELECT s.student_id, p.* FROM student1 s, table( p;

Place screenshots here:

  1. Describe the logic of the PL/SQL statements in tasks 13 and 14..  

Figure 1 Student Schema

Figure 2

Resources from UMGC Library

Chapters 14 and 15 cover topics for this assignment.

Code Samples for Chapters 14 and 15 may be found at

A zip file with the code samples for chapters 14 and 15 are contained in the zip file that is embedded in this document:

Other Resources:

A Sample Application using Object-Relational Features

Using PL/SQL With Object Types

Introduction to Object-Relational Mapping

Adding Custom Datatypes to Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler (SDDM)

Object-Relational Features of Oracle

Object Relational Database

Viewing Complex Types in Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler

PL/SQL with Object Types

Nested Table Example

PL/SQL nested table tips

Object Views and Nested Tables

Another Nested Table Example

A pdf of the Student Database Schema is embedded in this document:

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