Public Health Issue: Racial Disparities in Maternal Mortality

Target Population: African American Women aged 18-40 in New Orleans or Louisiana

All strictly written projects include, in some form, a problem statement and description of the target population affected by the public health issue. They include some level of literature review related to the public health issue, the target population, and related theoretical framework. 

**Make sure to show application of theoretical frameworks (Ex. Social Cognitive Theory, Health Belief Model) **

Strictly written projects would be substantial, 25-30 pages double-spaced with appropriate number and quality of references, appendices, data sets, visuals, APA 7 formatting, etc. They are evaluated with a comprehensive rubric and clear criteria.

Paper Sections:

  • Cover Page
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Literature Review
  • Methods
  • Results/Findings (include data visuals-charts, graphs)
  • Conclusion and Discussion
  • Recommendations (advocate for bills/policies that improve maternal health outcomes; help increase funding to community centers; create maternal health campaign)
  • References

A few references you can use in addition to local (New Orleans)/state (LA) health departments and what you find:

Bernstein, A. (2021, June 4). Maternity, Maternal Health, and the Economy during the Pandemic. The Century Foundation.

Slaughter-Acey, J. C., Sneed, D., Parker, L., Keith, V. M., Lee, N. L., & Misra, D. P. (2019). Skin Tone Matters: Racial Microaggressions and Delayed Prenatal Care. American Journal of Preventive Medicine57(3), 321–329.

Villavicencio, J. C., McHugh, K. W., & Edmonds, B. T. (2020). Overview of US Maternal Mortality Policy. Clinical Therapeutics42(3), 408–418.

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