Coursework Assignment 2 Brief

Academic year and term: 2019 / 20 – Semester-2, Year 2
Module title: Big Data Analytics  
Module code: 
Module Convener:  
Learning outcomes assessed within this piece of work as agreed at the programme level meeting On successful completion of this module students will be able to   Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Big Data technology landscape, terminology and choices available Identify and communicate the challenges of scalability of databases and data analysis Collect and synthesise information needed to select the optimum solution for a problem domain involving big data Analyse and evaluate a range of information comparing alternative methods and techniques used in the analysis of big data including methods to visualise and learn from large volumes of data Implement and test solutions using big data technologies  
Type of assessment:           Individual –  Report (1000 words)  
Assessed Learning outcomes  3,4
Weighting 40% of the total module marks
Assessment 1 deadline: Individual report (1000 words) should be submitted on or before). This should be submitted via Moodle as a word file.

Assignment 2

This is an individual assignment. You are required to write a critical report on the following title:

“A Critical Evaluation of the Big Data Approach to Customer Data Analytics”   

The basic idea of this research and evaluative report is to critically analyse the Big Data approach to Customer Data Analysis as implemented in Assignment 1 using Tableau tool. You should discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the approach of Big Data Analytics from a technical as well as a business perspective (see marking guidance in marking criteria).

You are also required to discuss the Big Data Analytics method/tools you have applied in producing the required output in assignment 1. You should provide a rationale and justification of your choice supported by the relevant academic literature.

Your report should be a maximum of 1000 words.  

 Referencing and Bibliography                                                                  

You are required to follow the Harvard referencing system when citing others’ work. An accompanying list of references must also be provided as part of your report.

Marking Criteria

                                       Guidance/Criteria Marks
Evaluative Report   You have provided background of Big Data Analytics tools to facilitate customer data analytics in the given scenario. Your introduction reads well and provides an overview of this evaluation report.   Suggested word limit for the introduction is 250 words                 15
You have provided a critical analysis and justification of the use of Big Data Analytics tools to complete the tasks in this scenario.     Suggested word limit for this section of report is 500 words         50  
  You have provided recommendations and a conclusion for   the successful implementation of a Big data analytics solution for the scenario in assignment 1. Suggested word limit for this section is 250 words 25
You have used an appropriate report layout and formatting style (see the guidelines below) as well as academic citations and a reference list. Your report should be free from grammatical and spelling errors.   10
Total 100

Assignment Preparation Guidelines 

  1. All components of the assignment report must be word processed (hand written text or hand drawn diagrams are not acceptable), font size must be within the range of 12 point to 14 point including the headings, body text and any texts within diagrams.
  2. Standard and commonly used fonts such as Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri should be used.
  3. Your document must be aligned left or justified with line spacing of 1.5.
  4. All figures, graphs and tables must be numbered and labelled.
  5. You must provide screen shots of working SQL statements and their output.
  6. Material from external sources must be properly refereed and cited within the text using the Harvard referencing system.
  7. All components of the assignment (e.g. text, diagrams. Code etc.) Must be submitted in one word file.

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