The Nurse as Advocate Policy Analysis is designed to demonstrate analysis of a current nursing policy, passing a law in the state of Texas and the methods for nurses to advocate for healthcare improvement.

To begin this analysis, please go to the Texas Nurses Association website

and scroll down to “Policy Positions.” Read through the policies and choose ONE of them to address in the policy analysis.  “Just Culture” is the policy for this paper

Nurse as Advocate Policy Analysis Rubric:

Legislative Process (35%)Summarize the policyWhat it is trying to achieve? Who benefits from this policy?Do you agree with this policy? Why or why not? Be specific. AgreeWhat is the detailed process (steps) for this policy to become a law in the state of Texas.
Nurses as advocates (30%)What are three methods for nurses to get involved as advocates in the legislative process for this policy and/or any nursing policy?
Role of professional organization (25%)  What is the role of professional nursing organizations (such as ANA and TNA) as legislative advocates for healthcare policy?What are the barriers to advocacy for this policy?  In other words, why would a person or group oppose this policy?
APA Format (10%)In addition to citing the policy itself, cite at least two outside sources of information. One of them may be your textbook. Approximately 2-3 pages in length (not including references or cover page) APA format (7th edition) Use correct grammar

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