Conduct a critical analysis of one of the 13 Ethical Battle drills (attached in files) in order to assess the ethical mindset, identify potential ethical issues within the organization, and ways they can be prevented in the future.
Assessment Instructions:
- Paper Preparation
- Review the Standardized General Rubric located at the link in the panel to the right.
- Review the LeaderSHIFT module as necessary (I can send products from these moduels as you need on a multitude of topics)
- Review the “Building Ethically Minded SOF Professional” lesson (attached in below)
- Choose ONE of the 13 Ethical Battle Drills from the SOF Ethical Field Guide: 13 Ethical Battle Drills for SOF Leaders (attached in files as mentioned above)
- Write and color-code your thesis statement in a claim followed by a credible reason format. Be clear and concise in your wording
- Frame your analysis through the lens of the organizational Senior Enlisted Leader (SEL), and not the SEL on the ground. For example, think about systemic problems that may have existed within the organization that caused a tactical level ethical dilemma
- Analyze the Ethical Battle Drill and apply critical and creative thinking to answer the following questions:
- Identify two key problems described in the case study.
- Why do they exist?
- How do they impact the organization?
- Identify moral drift and discuss it
- How can you, as the organizational SEL, prevent this from happening with your tactical elements in the future?
- What strategies will you use to implement your plan within your organization?
- Apply and clearly connect the course concepts throughout the paper, do not infer them
Paper Structure:
Use APA format 7th edition (double-spacing, single space between sentences, an approved font style and size, APA Style headers, etc.)
- Title Page
- Abstract (150-250 words) Not required for assessment
- Introduction, Body, and Conclusion (750-1000 Words)
- Reference Page containing a minimum of three (3) references with corresponding in-text citations
Building Ethical Minded SOF Professional
The Joint Senior Enlisted Academy LEADERSHIFT program in week 11 is centered around understanding the dimensions that make up organizational culture and ethics. We will also focus on SEL and the Ethical Decision Cycle and his or her role in cultural change. It is important to balance individual and organizational needs in ethical decision making. Your reasoning and justification will be evaluated by your subordinates and superiors alike.
A SEL’s awareness of ethical framework and lens drives how they are portrayed as a leader and in-turn, bolsters mission effectiveness. Organizational culture encompasses values and behaviors that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment. Ethical standards are the code of conduct required by the organization for people within the organization to follow. The relationship between organizational culture and ethics is that the organizational culture guides individuals when faced with ethical dilemmas. If the organizational culture counters what they are required to do ethically, individuals may put the organization in risk by not acting ethically. Therefore is essential that the SEL has an in-depth understanding of both subject areas, ethics and culture. In this lesson, Dr. Kari Thyne and Dr. Joe Long will explore how ethics can enhance SOF’s competitive edge.
Now that you have viewed the Dr. Kari Thyne and Dr. Joe Long lesson on how ethics can enhance SOF’s competitive edge and how to integrate the ethics into your decision making, take a minute to reflect on how ethics impacts your own personal decision cycle. An SEL should also take the opportunity to garner insight from other institutions that recognize and implement new tactics, techniques, and procedures in leadership. This does not mean deviating from the military hierarchy, rather capitalizing on the structures and leadership influence methods within your organization.
As we stated in the beginning the great leaders are lifelong learners, but before we evaluate this lesson utilizing “Now what; So what; Then what methodology,” let’s revisit what you have already learned in Profession of Arms in the Critical thinking lesson.
- 1
You are thinking critically if your thinking is novel—that is, you aren’t simply drawing a conclusion from a memory of a previous situation.
- 2
Your thinking is self-directed—that is, you are not merely executing instructions given by someone else.
- 3
Your thinking is effective—that is, you respect certain conventions that make thinking more likely to yield useful conclusions. These would be conventions like “consider both sides of an issue,” “offer evidence for claims made,” and “don’t let emotion interfere with reason.
Now take a moment, reflect and evaluate these concepts using the:
“Now what; So what; Then what” methodology…
- bullet
Now since you understand this material you are able to…
- bullet
What does this mean to you as individual and organizational leader?
- bullet
As a SEL, how are you going to apply this knowledge?
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