Instructions for Discussion Question (DQ)
- Participation Requirement for grade:
- You are required to use two (2) scholarly references one (1) scholarly reference and the course textbook: Book: Pharmacology for the primary care provider, fourth edition by Marilyn Edmunds and Maren Stewart Mayhew) I do not have a ebook, I have a hard copy that I got from amazon.
Answer the following:
- Provide a brief overview of Active Helicobacter pylori Ulcer including the risk factors associated with the disease. What are the recommended treatment options? How should the patient be monitored? What patient variables should be considered? What are the key points that should be included in patient education?
Textbook Animations, Pharmacology for the Primary Care Provider (4th ed.):
Chapter 29 – Antidiarrheals, Atropine: LinkLinks to an external site.
Chapter 31 – Irritable Bowel Syndrome: LinkLinks to an external site.
Chapter 32 – Diuretics
- Diuretics: LinkLinks to an external site.
- Furosemide: LinkLinks to an external site.
Chapter 33 – Bladder: LinkLinks to an external site.
Chapter 33 – Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: LinkLinks to an external site.
Web Links
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). (2017). AHRQ’s National Guideline Clearinghouse is a public resource for summaries of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines: LinkLinks to an external site.
FDA Human Drugs Page: LinkLinks to an external site.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism: extensive discussion of interaction between food and different medications: LinkLinks to an external site.
RX List (Top 100 drugs): LinkLinks to an external site.
Up-to-Date: LinkLinks to an external site.