1. Suppose you are working with an unknown bacterial species that you know is a Gram positive cocci and you want to use ONE plate to clearly determine its identity. You only have the following plates available: Mannitol Salt Agar, Eosin Methylene Blue, MacConkey, and Trypticase Soy Agar for plating, so which one do you choose and WHY (this means you have to tell me what`s in the plate you chose, why it’s the best choice vs all the others and what possible ways the plate can look after you grow something on it and why it looks this way). You can draw labelled pictures to help with this.

2. Suppose you are working with an unknown bacterial species that you know is a Gram negative bacillus and you want to use ONE plate to clearly determine its identity. You only have the following plates available: Mannitol Salt Agar, Eosin Methylene Blue, MacConkey, and Trypticase Soy Agar for plating, so which one do you choose and WHY (this means you have to tell me what`s in the plate you chose, why it’s the best choice vs all the others, and what possible ways the plate can look after you grow something on it and why it looks this way). You can draw labelled pictures to help with this.

3. Suppose you are working with a Gram positive bacillus species that is a non-halophile. Explain why growing the bacteria in MSA would not be a good option and suggest another lab technique that you have learned about that would be helpful in helping to identify this type of bacteria.

4. Fill out the Chart Below:

Media TypeWhat`s In This Plate?Is it selective? If so why?Is it differential? If so why?If something grows on this plate what does it look like- give all options
Blood Agar                    

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