Students are to complete a community assessment, determine a list of identified health-related problems, as well as strengths that support the health of the community. From that assessment, the student will then propose a plan (program) to solve one of the identified problems and propose evaluation criteria to determine effectiveness of the program. The student is NOT responsible for actually implementing this plan of intervention(s).
The windshield survey is the beginning of this process BUT the student is expected to use at least two additional data collection methods suggested in the text. The final paper should include a summary of the assessment (windshield survey plus additional data collection), the proposed problems and strengths, a plan for interventions (program) that may address how the existing resources (strengths) may be used to improve the health of the community or the student may propose to develop new resources as the planned intervention. Criteria for evaluation of the proposed program should be the final portion of the summation.
The paper should be typewritten in narrative form, using current APA format. The body of the paper should be at least 6 but no longer than 8 pages. Document all sources used in data generation and program development. Additional supporting data, illustrations, etc. may be placed in appendices at the end of the paper.
Chapter 13 of the text provides guidance for conducting community assessments and Chapters 14 and 18 address health education, program planning and evaluation. A major part of this project is the student’s analysis of the data collected. The student should identify what the data indicates about the community, its health status, health resources, and health problems (think vulnerable populations). Demographic and health statistics should be compared with other areas such as the county, state and nation. The purpose of such comparisons is to draw inferences about the health needs of the community. Use of tables and expressing population figures in percentages is appropriate.
IMPORTANT: The diagnosis of the community problem must be supported by the data gathered. The plan development and goals for evaluation should also be evidence based. Although the plan should be evidence-based, the plan should also be realistic for your chosen community; therefore, some plans may allow student creativity.
Ideas are to be communicated clearly and developed logically and coherently. Incorporate appropriate section headings throughout the paper. Follow current APA Manual Guidelines for types of headings, correct use of citations and references.
Per Writing Intensive guidelines, this paper will be submitted in multiple sections. The first submission is the Windshield Survey. This will be submitted utilizing the table at the end of the syllabus. It is imperative that you do a thorough assessment prior to beginning the paper. The instructors will offer feedback pertaining to your assessment to ensure your success. The second submission (Draft #1) should include the first three sections of the paper (Identification of Community, Assessment of Community, and Analysis of Data/Problem List). The third submission (Final Paper Draft) should include the final two sections of the paper (Plan for Intervention and Proposed Evaluation). Additionally, the Final Paper Draft should include any necessary edits or changes to the first three sections. Each draft should include an appropriate title page and reference list. During the Writer’s Workshop, the Final Paper Draft will undergo a peer evaluation for feedback prior to the final submission. The final submission is the entire paper, reflecting any changes suggested with prior drafts. Please make note of appropriate deadlines in the topical outline. Late submissions are not acceptable and will suffer a 15 point deduction for each day beyond the due date.
Community Assessment Points
- Identification of the Community 5
- Describes the community based on person, place, AND function
- Utilizes specific details and research (if necessary) to describe community
- Assessment of the Community 25
- Includes relevant WSS data
- Includes data collected from stakeholder interview
- Includes secondary analysis of existing data
- Identification and Analysis of Problem 25
- Identifies strengths and weaknesses of the community
- Strengths and weaknesses are validated with assessment data
- Primary problem identified
- Problem is validated with appropriate data and/or research
- Utilizes comparative statistics (local, state, national, and possibly global data)
- Plan for Intervention to address health problem 25
- Presents research of programs/initiatives previously implemented that address problem
- Includes explanation and details of previously implemented program
- Creates a community specific plan to address problem
- Community specific plan incorporates evidence from research
- Draws connection from community assessment (strengths and weaknesses) to program implementation
- Identifies a SMART goal for the community specific program
- Proposed Evaluation Criteria 5
- Evaluation criteria explained
- Evaluation criteria directly correlates with the goal of the program
- Accurate use of APA format 6
- Title page
- Level headings
- In-text citations
- Abbreviations, tables, appendices
- Clear and organized 6
- Grammatically correct
- Purpose of paper
- Cites appropriately
- Within page limit
- No personal pronouns
- The paper flows in a logical sequence and reflects senior level writing skills
- Reference List 3
- Correct format
- Citation-reference agreement
- Primary sources only
Total Points ________________