Assignment Overview:
Students will create an overview of the compensation regulations applicable in the hospitality industry of a specific country. They will practice their training skills by giving a presentation on their subject in front of the class.
Overall aim:
Students will gather information on compensation regulations in a specific country. With this, they will develop a general understanding of the factors that are involved when setting up a wage scale compensation plan and possible benefit plans. The training/information session on the subject in front of a real audience will allow them to summarize and use the competencies learned in class.
Learning outcomes:
1. Analyze, defend and create people management policies linked to an. organizational strategy to increase the competitive advantage of the organization
2. Appraise the balance between cost management and motivation increase through effective HR budgeting.
4. Apply and take advantage of management measurement tools to make objective decisions and to improve labor relations within the organization.
Organisation and methodology:
With this assignment the students are encouraged to research, appraise and explain the regulations and laws concerning compensation and benefits in a given country.
Research the regulations and laws concerning compensation and benefits in student´s home country, and specifically in hospitality industry.
Write an essay explaining the following information:
Part one:
- Minimum salary applicable in this country by law (all industries)
- Minimum salary applicable in the hospitality industry
- General explanation of the cost of living in the chosen country
Part two:
- Regulations on maternity and / or paternity leave and / or any other benefits related to work-life enhancement applicable in this country by law.
The students are required to keep the following format for this project:
- Layout: Cover page, table of content, introduction, body of the assignment, conclusion, references, statement of authorship (see sample page 5), and annex/es (if applicable).
- Use clear titles and subtitles to improve the reading experience.
- Font of your preference although it should be easily legible, Size 10 to 12, single spacing.
This part will be handed in via Turnitin via Moodle, by Nov 18, 2022, at 23.59 h.
(Week 10).
Failing to submit the project on time will result in a grade of 0.
Additional information:
Word count:
1200 to 2500 words,
The word count is only a guideline and will have no effect on the actual grade (see Rubric).
Resources available:
Books, articles from Library or E-library
Class slides or content from any class
Websites (no Wikipedia, blogs, nor non-reliable websites)
Make sure you reference your sources, both in-text citations and full referencing at the end. Use APA Style.
Class slides or content needs to be referenced too!
Assessment tasks & weighting:
Content of part one – minimum salary (40%)
Content of part two – benefits (30%)
Format (professionalism, layout, completion of documents) (15%)
Referencing (APA Style) (5%)
English Skills in written Report (10%)
Common skills: assessed (bold)ordeveloped (italics):
MANAGING AND DEVELOPING SELF | 1.Manages own role and responsibilities | 2. Manages own time in achieving objectives. | 3.Undertakes personal and career development | 4. Transfers skills gained to new and changing situations and contexts. | 5.Uses a range of thought processes |
WORKING WITH AND RELATING TO OTHERS | 6.Treats others’ values, beliefs and opinions with respect | 7.Relates to and interacts objectively with individuals and groups | 8.Works effectively as a member of a team | ||
COMMUNICATING | 9.Receives and responds to a variety of information | 10.Presents information in a variety of visual forms | 11.Communicates in writing | 12.Participates in oral and non-verbal communication | |
MANAGING TASKS AND SOLVING PROBLEMS | 13.Uses information sources | 14. Deals with a combination of routine and non-routine tasks | 15.Identifies and solves routine and non-routine problems | ||
BECOMING NUMERATE AND USING TECHNOLOGY | 17.Uses a range of technological equipment and systems |
Plagiarism is the act of presenting another’s ideas or words as one’s own. Cheating includes, but is not limited to, the intentional falsification or fabrication of any academic activity, unauthorized copying of another person’s work, or aiding and abetting any such acts.
Particular care must be taken when presenting information that has been obtained from an internet site. Should this information not be correctly referenced, then you are guilty of plagiarism and will be penalised accordingly.
With respect to projects/assignments, faculty reserves the right to randomly call upon any student and ask them to defend their work orally.
Any assignment/exam which is found to contain plagiarism will automatically be awarded a grade of 0, and an e-mail will be sent to the student or the student’s parents/tutors/sponsors. Depending on the circumstances, additional penalties could be imposed (see LRM Academic Regulations, Section 11).
Statement of authorship
Following the title page of your assignment there should be a page on which you sign a statement that the work included in the assignment is your own work except where appropriately referenced. The following statement should be used:
Statement of authorship
I certify that this assignment is my own work and contains no material which has been submitted as part of an assignment in any institute, college or university. Moreover, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person, except where due reference is made in the text of the assignment.
Student number………………………………………………………..
Assignment Overview:
Students will create an overview of the compensation regulations applicable in the hospitality industry of a specific country. They will practice their training skills by giving a presentation on their subject in front of the class.
Overall aim:
Students will gather information on compensation regulations in a specific country. With this, they will develop a general understanding of the factors that are involved when setting up a wage scale compensation plan and possible benefit plans. The training/information session on the subject in front of a real audience will allow them to summarize and use the competencies learned in class.
Learning outcomes:
1. Analyze, defend and create people management policies linked to an. organizational strategy to increase the competitive advantage of the organization
2. Appraise the balance between cost management and motivation increase through effective HR budgeting.
4. Apply and take advantage of management measurement tools to make objective decisions and to improve labor relations within the organization.
Organisation and methodology:
With this assignment the students are encouraged to research, appraise and explain the regulations and laws concerning compensation and benefits in a given country.
Research the regulations and laws concerning compensation and benefits in student´s home country, and specifically in hospitality industry.
Write an essay explaining the following information:
Part one:
- Minimum salary applicable in this country by law (all industries)
- Minimum salary applicable in the hospitality industry
- General explanation of the cost of living in the chosen country
Part two:
- Regulations on maternity and / or paternity leave and / or any other benefits related to work-life enhancement applicable in this country by law.
The students are required to keep the following format for this project:
- Layout: Cover page, table of content, introduction, body of the assignment, conclusion, references, statement of authorship (see sample page 5), and annex/es (if applicable).
- Use clear titles and subtitles to improve the reading experience.
- Font of your preference although it should be easily legible, Size 10 to 12, single spacing.
This part will be handed in via Turnitin via Moodle, by Nov 18, 2022, at 23.59 h.
(Week 10).
Failing to submit the project on time will result in a grade of 0.
Additional information:
Word count:
1200 to 2500 words,
The word count is only a guideline and will have no effect on the actual grade (see Rubric).
Resources available:
Books, articles from Library or E-library
Class slides or content from any class
Websites (no Wikipedia, blogs, nor non-reliable websites)
Make sure you reference your sources, both in-text citations and full referencing at the end. Use APA Style.
Class slides or content needs to be referenced too!
Assessment tasks & weighting:
Content of part one – minimum salary (40%)
Content of part two – benefits (30%)
Format (professionalism, layout, completion of documents) (15%)
Referencing (APA Style) (5%)
English Skills in written Report (10%)
Common skills: assessed (bold)ordeveloped (italics):
MANAGING AND DEVELOPING SELF | 1.Manages own role and responsibilities | 2. Manages own time in achieving objectives. | 3.Undertakes personal and career development | 4. Transfers skills gained to new and changing situations and contexts. | 5.Uses a range of thought processes |
WORKING WITH AND RELATING TO OTHERS | 6.Treats others’ values, beliefs and opinions with respect | 7.Relates to and interacts objectively with individuals and groups | 8.Works effectively as a member of a team | ||
COMMUNICATING | 9.Receives and responds to a variety of information | 10.Presents information in a variety of visual forms | 11.Communicates in writing | 12.Participates in oral and non-verbal communication | |
MANAGING TASKS AND SOLVING PROBLEMS | 13.Uses information sources | 14. Deals with a combination of routine and non-routine tasks | 15.Identifies and solves routine and non-routine problems | ||
BECOMING NUMERATE AND USING TECHNOLOGY | 17.Uses a range of technological equipment and systems |
Plagiarism is the act of presenting another’s ideas or words as one’s own. Cheating includes, but is not limited to, the intentional falsification or fabrication of any academic activity, unauthorized copying of another person’s work, or aiding and abetting any such acts.
Particular care must be taken when presenting information that has been obtained from an internet site. Should this information not be correctly referenced, then you are guilty of plagiarism and will be penalised accordingly.
With respect to projects/assignments, faculty reserves the right to randomly call upon any student and ask them to defend their work orally.
Any assignment/exam which is found to contain plagiarism will automatically be awarded a grade of 0, and an e-mail will be sent to the student or the student’s parents/tutors/sponsors. Depending on the circumstances, additional penalties could be imposed (see LRM Academic Regulations, Section 11).
Statement of authorship
Following the title page of your assignment there should be a page on which you sign a statement that the work included in the assignment is your own work except where appropriately referenced. The following statement should be used:
Statement of authorship
I certify that this assignment is my own work and contains no material which has been submitted as part of an assignment in any institute, college or university. Moreover, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person, except where due reference is made in the text of the assignment.
Student number………………………………………………………..