Just the Facts:
You are the managing partner at a Fine Dining Restaurant (You Chose the Name) in Colorado Springs, Co. as part of your job you are responsible for special projects and events. The restaurant is celebrating 5 years in business with a special preset menu.
It will be your responsibility to put a menu together, properly cost out the menu, along with setting up and implementing a proper marketing plan to make sure the event is successful. The menu is to look professional and show of your creativity. I have placed an example menu on the content page under the project tab for you to look at.
The project will be broken into three parts (Each part must be a minimum of 1 full page) and all three parts must be placed in the project dropbox on D2L
- Formal looking menu to include the following; 1- appetizer 2- entrees to choose form (1 entrée must be vegetarian and gluten free) be sure to include a vegetable and starch with your entrée. 1- dessert Tea and coffee will be included with the price of the meal. Be creative with your menu items. This menu should be at least one complete page. Be sure to email me anytime that you may have questions regarding this assignment.
- Costing out the entire menu. Be sure to include a recipe for the appetizer, entrée and dessert on your menu. All items on the menu are to be figured using 35% food costing. (Present your work on the costing spread sheet to be found under the content page on D2L). Ingredients for the recipes you are costing, can be priced out at your local grocery store. Be sure to include the name of the store used for costing.
- Once you have designed your menu, you need to devise a plan to market this event. Be creative and put together a one page document listing the ways that you will advertise, promote and market this event. You should include with your marketing plan a cost, budgeted dollar amount used for marketing.
Any of the required info you may need for this assignment can found under the Content (Projects).
* There are no exceptions for projects to be turned in late.
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