B.F. Skinner: Reinforcement Theory
For this discussion board, address these things thoroughly and thoughtfully:
- Describe how conditioning and reinforcement have shaped your personality, as reflected in how you behave. [200 words]
- How might you use conditioning and reinforcement, through behavioral modication, to change something in your life. Diagram or describe in detail a behavior modification program for this habit/behavior/characteristic. [200 words]
- How does all of this relate to personality according to Skinner’s theory? How can changing your habits or tendencies relate to your personality? [150 words]
Don’t forget your responses to colleagues.
Here are some resources that might give you inspiration:
- Behavior Modification for Study Skills – http://booksthatteach.com/articles/13steps.htm Links to an external site.
- More about studying – http://www.csbsju.edu/academic-advising/help/getmore.htm Links to an external site.
- Behavior Modification in the Classroom – http://www.ldonline.org/article/6030/ Links to an external site.
- Behavior charts for use with kids – http://www.latitudes.org/behavioral_charts.html Links to an external site.
- Behavior Modification for weight management – http://www.ucsfhealth.org/education/behavior_modification_ideas_for_weight_management/index.html Links to an external site.
- Behavior in the workplace – http://www.mediate.com/articles/belak4.cfm