Step 1: Choose ONE topic from the list below:
What are the most annoying traits of a roommate in college?
What foods do many people refuse to/love to eat?
What do people do with a $20Million dollar lottery winning?
If humans had superpowers, what would the best ones be and why?
What things do girls wish guys knew (or guys wish girls knew)?
Step 3: Brainstorm ideas for writing and organize your thoughts using a method of prewriting we have discussed in class- clustering, brainstorming, freewriting, outlining, etc.
Step 4: Properly format and type a first draft of your essay. If you are unsure of how to format, look at OWL@Purdue for examples of properly formatted MLA essays.
Step 5: Edit your completed document and proofread for errors-make it your best writing.
Step 6: Submit the document as a .doc attachment. No email submissions allowed.
- You must have a complete 5 paragraph essay which includes an introductory paragraph with a proper thesis (topic and 3 part essay map).
- You must have 3 body paragraphs with clearly stated topic sentences and supporting details with transitions.
- The essay MUST be written in 3rd person point of view.
- Double space your essay and use 12p font.
- The essay is due at the end of the class period.