Current Issues & Community Resources Brochure & Presentation  instructions :

  1. Current Issues Brochure: (15%) & presentation (5%)
  2. Create a professional brochure (a minimum of two-sides) after researching a specific topic. This project is intended to expand your knowledge of current issues facing today’s families.  The brochure should be geared to those working with children and families in in-school or out-of-school contexts.
  3. You will need to connect the current issue you are researching with community-based resources for families and educators. Please locate organizations that support families, research their programming, and provide contact and programming information in at least one section of your brochure (At least 3 community resources in VA)
  4. Your brochure needs to be organized using sub-topics. It should be a thoughtful, focused, and well-organized synthesis of your research topics.
  5. You need to use references using the APA 7th style. A minimum of 6 academic references should be cited in your work (I prefer peer review ). Non-academic websites will not be acceptable.
  6. You will type an intro paragraph in a sperate page and attached  with your brochure to “present” your project – you need to cover the big ideas you explored in the pamphlet and present information on at least one reference you found particularly useful.

Current Issues Brochure:  Consider a topic related to the children and families you work with (or will work with).  You need to select one focus area for your work.

Current Issues Brochure:Possible topic areas (please feel free to develop your own)



Child abuse                                                                            

Multiracial families

Cross-cultural families                      

Immigrant families

Autism ( you can do like a guide for parents) I like this topic but you can pick anything else from the list based on the resources available.

Current Issues Brochure – Rubric

Organization  Sub-topics are used and clearly delineated to present information. Each section in the brochure has a clear beginning, middle, and end.
  Accuracy of Content/Research of Topic  All facts in the brochure are accurate and presented appropriately.  
Community Programming InformationAt least 3 community resources are presented with detailed information on programming and contact info.
ReferencesA minimum of 6 primary academic references are cited in your work (with exceptions granted to primary sources from older work). Note: Additional resources sections do not count as references. All information is cited properly according to APA style guidelines.  
Intro ParagraphA response of “yes” is true of the following criteria. In the paragraph is the: Importance/rationale for topic made clear?
Key ideas are stated clearly and logically?
Presenter was knowledgeable about topic, references, and key information.

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